Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Relación de la energía de polimerización y Degradación por UV, sobre el grado de conversión en composites
The degree of conversion (DC) is directly related with the physical and mechanical properties that allow a successful
restorative treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the energy density, on ...
Efecto de la energía de polimerización sobre la sorción acuosa y solubilidad en composites envejecidos por UV
The chemical degradation of the organic matrix favored by water sorption and solubility affects the physical and
mechanical properties of dental resin composites and could commit the restoration longevity. The objective ...
Morfología superficial en resinas compuestas sometidas a envejecimiento acelerado
In dentistry, the effectiveness of degradation in dental composite has been proven using weathering chamber; it
combines variables as the UV radiation and temperature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ...
Efecto de la energía de polimerización sobre la resistencia flexural y módulo elástico, en composites envejecidos por UV
The effect of the energy density on the immediate mechanical properties of composites is well known; although the
relationship, between energy density and the time of degradation by UV, on flexural strength and elastic ...