Now showing items 21-30 of 178
Investigación Turística
The communication of the results refers to the different means by which the researcher can make known the results of his / her research work. In particular, this presentation addresses the construction of scientific papers.
Vacante I
Communication being a core part of every social organism, it is extremely important to understand its concept, barriers that prevent it and to identify strategies that facilitate its transmission. The material presented ...
Un Nuevo Nicho de Mercado.
Tourism remains one of the most profitable activities worldwide making it a priority to strengthen strategies to make this activity remains an important part of the economy. One of these strategies focuses on finding new ...
Historia de la ciencia
Evolutionary antecedents of science and the basic
concepts, to understand the changes and
differences in the scientific thinking.
Introducción a la metodología de la investigación
The methodology is an organized,
systematic, rigorous way of observing the
things of life at different levels and
degrees of complexity.
There is nothing else that is better than
the other.
Frequency Adverbs / wh questions
El alumno será capaz de comprender las
ideas principales de un discurso oral o
escrito acerca de asuntos cotidianos
siempre y cuando estos sean expresados
de manera simple y clara, para poder
intercambiar información ...
Origen y antecedentes históricos de la restaurantería
This work was done in order to collect all sources to support the learning of the subject of operation Bars and Restaurants given during the fifth semester of the degree in tourism.
While it is true that this matter has ...
Las Rutas Gastronómicas
The objective in this essay is mainly to know the meaning, origin and history of gastronomic tourism, but on the other hand emphasizes how important it is in Mexico, this is may be one of the main economic sources in our ...
Antecedentes Históricos de la Administración de Personal
Hablar de la historia de la Administración de Recursos
Humanos, Personal o Capital Humano permite a quienes
estudian el tema contar con información básica que les
ayude a comprender su evolución pero, sobre todo, ...
Vegetarianismo y clasificación
El vegetarianismo, es el régimen alimentario que tiene
como principio la abstención de carne y pescado, y se
basa en el consumo de cereales, legumbres, setas, frutas
y verduras. La persona que practica este tipo de dieta ...