Browsing Ciencias de la Salud by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 628
(2007)El denominado paradigma emergente, holista o ecológico ha surgido como unintento de subsanar las maldades derivadas de la modernidad. Si bien podemosreconocer y disfrutar- de las bondades del desarrollo tecnológico ... -
(2007) -
(2007)En este trabajo se realiza una discusión sobre la clasificación de lostrastornos alimentarios como neurosis histérica y como perversión. Se presenta elpunto de vista de psicoanalistas como Abraham, Meltzer, Laplanche y ... -
Caries dental en escolares de una comunidad del noroeste de México con dentición mixta y su asociación con algunas variables clínicas, socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas
(2007)Objetivos. Identificar algunas de las variables clínicas, sociodemográficas socioeconómicas asociadas con la prevalencia de caries dental de la dentición temporal, así como la prevalencia y severidad en la dentición ... -
Socioeconomic and Sociodemographic Variables Associated With Oral Hygiene Status in Mexican Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years
(2007)Background: The purpose of this study was to identify the socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables associated with oral hygiene status in schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in Navolato, Sinaloa, Mexico. Methods: A ... -
Prevalence and severity of dental caries in adolescents aged 12 and 15 living in communities with various fluoride concentrations
(2007)Objectives: To determine the experience, prevalence, and severity of dental caries in adolescents naturally exposed to various fluoride concentrations. Methods: A cross-sectional census was conducted on 1,538 adolescents ... -
Defectos del esmalte, caries en dentición primaria, fuentes de fluoruro y su relación con caries en dientes permanentes
(2007)Objetivo: Explorar la relación entre la presencia de defectos del esmalte (DE), la experiencia de caries en la dentición temporal, y la exposición a diversas fuentes de fluoruros, con la presencia de caries en la dentición ... -
Prevalence of and Risk Indicators for Chronic Periodontitis in Males from Campeche, Mexico
(2007)Objective Determining the prevalence, severity and extension of chronic periodontitis and identifying risk indicators amongst policemen in Campeche, Mexico, using an electron probe. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional ... -
Caries dental en escolares de una comunidad del noroeste de México con dentición mixta y su asociación con algunas variables clínicas, socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas
(2007)Objetivos. Identificar algunas de las variables clínicas, sociodemográficas socioeconómicas asociadas con la prevalencia de caries dental de la dentición temporal, así como la prevalencia y severidad en la dentición ... -
Morfología superficial en resinas compuestas sometidas a envejecimiento acelerado
(2007-06)In dentistry, the effectiveness of degradation in dental composite has been proven using weathering chamber; it combines variables as the UV radiation and temperature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ... -
Socio-behavioral factors influencing tooth brushing frequency in schoolchildren
(2008)Background. Toothbrushing may help prevent some oral health diseases considered to be public health problemsin particular, certain presentations of chronic periodontal diseases and dental caries. The authors conducted a ... -
(2008)The effects of the energy density that is used for polymerizationon properties of dental resin composites are well known.However, few studies relate color stability to this factor. Theaim of this study was to assess color ... -
Association between Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension with Anthropometric Indicators in Older Adults: Results of the Mexican Health Survey, 2000
(2008)Abstract: Objective: To determine the association between anthropometric indicators of adiposity with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension (HTN) in older adults. Design: Cross-sectional study of participants ... -
Dental fluorosis prevalence and diagnostic test using Dean s index based on 6 teeth, and on 28 teeth
(2008)Abstract To contrast the sensitivity, specificity, and positive negative predictive values between dental fluorosis prevalence scored on 28 (DF28) and on six permanent teeth (DF6), we undertook a cross-sectional study on ... -
Dental fluorosis in 12- and 15-year-olds at high altitude in above optimal fluoridated communities in Mexico
(2008)Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in Mexican adolescents. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out in 1,024 adolescents ... -
National survey on edentulism and its geographic distribution, among Mexicans 18 years of age and older (with emphasis in WHO age groups)
(2008)To determine the prevalence of edentulism in adults aged 18 years and older in Mexico and to describe its distribution in 20 of the 32 States in Mexico, highlighting the experience in the WHO age groups. A secondary analysis ... -
Prevalencia de accidentes de tránsito no fatales en México: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006
(2008)Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y distribución de los accidentes de tránsito no fatales (ATNF) en México. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron datos de la ENSANUT 2006. En los hogares visitados se seleccionó a un adulto, ... -
Dental health services utilization in children 6-12 year old in a low-income country
(2008)Objective: To determine the factors associated with the dental health services utilization among children ages 6 to 12 in León, Nicaragua. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 1,400 schoolchildren. ...