Now showing items 21-35 of 35

    • Integral Definida 

      Soto Romero, Juan Carlos (2011)
      Introducción Así como la resta es la operación contraria a la suma; el cálculo integral es la operación inversa al cálculo diferencial En el cálculo integral se emplean las diferenciales, de modo que a la derivada de ...
    • Limites y Continuidad 

      Reyes Cruz, Victor (2013-11-08)
    • Números reales 

      Ramírez Hernández, Judith (2012-01)
      In many dairy activities changes are presenting constantly, so it is important that these changes be addressed in the function context, based on fundamental concepts such as real numbers, equalities and inequalities.
    • Polígono (1) 

      Color Piñon, Sonia Eva (2011)
    • Polígonos 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Se llama polígono a una figura plana o porción de plano que se obtiene trazando segmentos no alineados, de modo que dos segmentos consecutivos tengan sólo un extremo común y de ésta manera se produzca una línea cerrada ...
    • Polígonos (2) 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Propiedad de las igualdades y despeje de formulas 

      Mendoza Gómez, María Raquel (2011-07)
      Apply properties of equality suggests logical rigor algebraic language use. An equality is a mathematical expression where two members are linked through the equal sign. The clearance is a powerful tool not only in ...
    • Regla de Cramer 

      Soto González, Rafael (2011-07)
      Establish the basis related to the elements that define the system of linear equations and solution methods, types of solution and its practical applications.
    • Sistema de ecuaciones lineales 

      Mohedano Juárez, Ma. Rafaela (2015-07-01)
    • Teoría de Valores Propios 

      Barrera Mora, Fernando (2007-08)
      In this lecture it is shown how to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix without using determinants.
    • Tipos de Modelos en Investigación de Operaciones 

      Hernández Coca, Guadalupe (2011-07)
      This presentation shows and defines the different types from Models that the Investigation of Operations works.
    • Triángulos 

      Soto Romero, Juan Carlos (2011)
    • Triángulos 

      Soto Romero, Juan Carlos (2011)
      The triangles are geometric figures which are based on the study of trigonometry. They are important as tools in the previous calculation to describe physical phenomena such as vector analysis of forces, velocities, etc. ...
    • Trigonometría 

      Color Piñon, Sonia Eva (2012-09)
      This paper is intended that students know generally what is to be treated in the field of trigonometry from its history to the basics of working in the field.
    • Trigonometría I - Círculo Geométrico 

      Soto Romero, Juan Carlos (2011)
      Circunferencia: conjunto de todos los puntos del plano que equidistan de otro punto llamado centro Circulo: conjunto de puntos interiores a la circunferencia