Listar Presentaciones electrónicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 32
Lógica difusa
(2001-05-18)El desarrollo de modelos matemáticos de sistemas reales es un tópico importante en diferentes disciplinas. Desgraciadamente la mayoría de problemas del mundo real pueden ser demasiado complejos para ser considerados un ... -
Modelos matemáticos compartamentales
(2005-07)In this work, the scheme to model the interaction between a closed population divided in two classes is presented. In particular, it is of interest to evaluate the behaviour of an epidemic disease in a very simple way -
Las Matemáticas en la vida diaria
(2006)Si las matemáticas son tan útiles como dicen algunos, ¿porque en mis cursos no lo veo? ´ Un estudiante de preparatoria La Naturaleza está escrita en lenguaje matemático , Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) -
Solución de Ecuaciones
(2007-01)The objective of this lecture is to provide some ideas that can help to articulate the methods for solving equations of degree ≤4. -
Dinámica de poblaciones
(2007-07)In this course we present some mathematical models to understand fundamental biological process such as population growth, mutation and natural selection. It is an introductory course in mathematical modeling with a focus ... -
Teoría de Valores Propios
(2007-08)In this lecture it is shown how to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix without using determinants. -
Eigenteoría sin determinantes
(2008)¿Cuales son los problemas fundamentales en ´ algebra ´ lineal? -
El papel de los Matemáticos y los Educadores
(2008)Competencia Matematica (OECD, 2004, p. 3) : “La ´ capacidad individual para identificar y comprender el papel que desempenan las matem ˜ aticas en el mundo, emitir ´ juicios bien fundados, utilizar las matematicas y ... -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Validando conjeturas
(2008-01)The objective of this lecture is to provide some elements that can be taken as a reference when approaching learning tasks using technological tools to formulate an justify conjectures. -
Modelos de análisis en biología evolutiva
(2008-01)In this course we present some mathematical models to understand fundamental biological processes such as population growth, mutation and natural selection. It is an introductory course in mathematical modeling with a focus ... -
La cuadratura de la parabola: Un parabola: Un problema en el contexto matemático
(2009)¿Que tipo de tareas deben usar los profesores si ´ quieren que los estudiantes construyan entendimiento matemático importante? . . . , los ´ estudiantes construyen entendimiento matemático reflexionando y comunicando, ... -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática.Cálculo de áreas
(2009-01)The objective of this lecture is to provide some examples that can help teachers to identify characteristics of the learning tasks within the framework of problem solving. -
Números irracionales
(2009-07)The aim of this lecture is to provide alternative methods to show that √2 is irrational as well as to establish connections with several concepts related with Pell's equation. -
Growth of Algebras
(2009-07)Let A be an F-algebra. We say that A is nitely generated provided there is fa1; a2; ; ar g A such that every element of A can be written as a nite linear combination of monomials in a1; a2; : : : ; ar . V ... -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Constructivismo y uso de las tecnologías digitales
(2010)In this course we analyzed some characteristics of constructivist approaches to learning of mathematics. Also we discuss character of digital technologies as mediation tools. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Aprendizaje y desarrollo cognitivo
(2010-01)IN this course we analized some relationships between learning and cognitive development, based on the construct of mediates action. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Mediación instrumental.
(2010-01)In this course we analyzed some characteristics of instrumental mediation construct, mainly we focus our attention in the role an effect of this construct on learning of mathematics. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Competencias matemáticas
(2010-01)In this course we analyzed the interaction between problem solving learning approaches and the development of mathematical competences.