Browsing Presentaciones electrónicas by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 32
Las Matemáticas en la vida diaria
(2006)Si las matemáticas son tan útiles como dicen algunos, ¿porque en mis cursos no lo veo? ´ Un estudiante de preparatoria La Naturaleza está escrita en lenguaje matemático , Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) -
Modelos de análisis en biología evolutiva
(2008-01)In this course we present some mathematical models to understand fundamental biological processes such as population growth, mutation and natural selection. It is an introductory course in mathematical modeling with a focus ... -
Modelos de células excitables
(2010-07)In this course we present some mathematical models to understand fundamental biological process at celular level. It is an introductory course in mathematical modeling with a focus on biomathematics. -
Modelos matemáticos compartamentales
(2005-07)In this work, the scheme to model the interaction between a closed population divided in two classes is presented. In particular, it is of interest to evaluate the behaviour of an epidemic disease in a very simple way -
Modelos matemáticos discretos
(2010-07)In this course we present some discrete mathematical models. It is an introductory course in mathematical modeling. -
Números irracionales
(2009-07)The aim of this lecture is to provide alternative methods to show that √2 is irrational as well as to establish connections with several concepts related with Pell's equation. -
El papel de los Matemáticos y los Educadores
(2008)Competencia Matematica (OECD, 2004, p. 3) : “La ´ capacidad individual para identificar y comprender el papel que desempenan las matem ˜ aticas en el mundo, emitir ´ juicios bien fundados, utilizar las matematicas y ... -
Sistemas de Representación y el Desarrollo de Conceptos Matemáticos
(2010-08)In this presentation I discuss the role of semiotic representations in the construction of mathematical knowledge -
Solución de cuárticas y la cuarta dimensión
(2011)“Eso de abrir puertas hacia la cuarta dimensión, era el eterno tema de mi profesor de física, a quien yo detestaba con toda mi alma. Las razones de mi odio: este repugnante individuo jamás se daba cuanta de mi belleza, y ... -
Solución de Ecuaciones
(2007-01)The objective of this lecture is to provide some ideas that can help to articulate the methods for solving equations of degree ≤4. -
Teoría de conjuntos
(2018-05-01)La teoría de conjuntos es una rama de la matemáticas que estudia la colección de objetos analizando las propiedades y las relaciones entre los elementos que forman el conjunto. Los conjuntos son colecciones abstractas ... -
Teoría de Valores Propios
(2007-08)In this lecture it is shown how to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix without using determinants. -
Traveling wave solutions in 1d degenerate parabolic lattices
(2011-01)Goal: advance current understanding of nonlinear diffusion in spatially discrete systems. Specific objective: systematic study of semidiscrete models of 1d PME -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Constructivismo y tecnologías digitales
(2010-01)In this presentation I discuss the role of digital technologies within a constructivist approach to mathematical learning. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Aprendizaje y desarrollo cognitivo
(2010-01)IN this course we analized some relationships between learning and cognitive development, based on the construct of mediates action. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Competencias matemáticas
(2010-01)In this course we analyzed the interaction between problem solving learning approaches and the development of mathematical competences. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Constructivismo y uso de las tecnologías digitales
(2010)In this course we analyzed some characteristics of constructivist approaches to learning of mathematics. Also we discuss character of digital technologies as mediation tools. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Mediación instrumental.
(2010-01)In this course we analyzed some characteristics of instrumental mediation construct, mainly we focus our attention in the role an effect of this construct on learning of mathematics. -
Uso de las tecnologías en el aprendizaje de la matemática. Validando conjeturas
(2008-01)The objective of this lecture is to provide some elements that can be taken as a reference when approaching learning tasks using technological tools to formulate an justify conjectures.