• Farmacocinética Antiepiléptico 

      Sánchez Gutiérrez, Manuel (2011-01)
      This presentation is a part of the course “Basic Pharmacology” imparted in the Academic Area of Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Period January – June 2011. ...
    • Actividad antisecretora de los extractos clorofórmico y metanólico de las partes aéreas y flores de Phytolacca icosandra L. 

      Velázquez González, Claudia (2011-01)
      Introduction: The aerial parts of Phytolacca icosandra L., (Phytolaccaceae), have been traditionally used as folk medicine in Mexico to treat diarrhoea and to lose weight. Aim of the study: Assess the antisecretory ...
    • Genética Bacteriana Microbiología y Parasitología 

      Cortazar Martínez, Adriana (2011-01)
      Las bacterias se reproducen asexualmente por división binaria. Cada bacteria es una réplica exacta (clona) de la célula que le dio origen. Existen otros mecanismos, distintos a la reproducción asexual, por medio ...
    • Interacción Planta - Medicamento Farmacognosia 

      Almaguer Vargas, Georgina (2011-01)
      Interacciones plantas‐medicamentos Coadministration of medicinal plants and drugs can lead to alteration in the pharmacological effects, knowledge of possible interactions will favor the rational use of medicinal ...
    • Características de la Ciencia Taller de investigación 

      Cortazar Martínez, Adriana (2011-01)
      There are several sources of knowledge that explain reality, such religion, magic, common sense and science. Science is the systematized knowledge, developed through observations, arguments and organized evidence. ...
    • Seminario de tesis. Protocolo de investigación 

      Molina Trinidad, Eva María (2011-01)
    • Mezclas Endovenosas y Nutrición Parenteral. Incopatibilidades 

      Olvera Hernández, Elena Guadalupe (2011-01)
      ncompatibility: This is the phenomenon that occurs when a drug is mixed with others and results in an inappropriate product for administration to patients. There may be incompatibility, physical, chemical, physicochemical ...
    • Funciones de las proteínas Bioquímica 

      Cortazar Martínez, Adriana (2011-01)
      Las proteínas son macromoléculas orgánicas formadas por aminoácidos. Las proteínas desempeñan un gran numero de funciones en las células de todos los seres vivos. Forman parte de la estructura básica de los tejidos ...
    • Daño hepático por alcohol 

      Morales González, José Antonio (2011-01)
      Acute ethanol administration partially inhibits DNA and protein syntheses during liver regeneration (LR) induced by partial hepatectomy (PH) in rats. Previous findings that the magnitude of ethanol’s deleterious effects ...
    • Farmacocinética básica, Modelo abierto de dos compartimientos (madc) 

      Molina Trinidad, Eva María (2011-01)
      El modelo abierto de dos compartimientos esta representado por la siguiente ecuación biexponencial: Cp = Ae-αt + Be-βt Donde α y β representan las constantes de transferencia entre un compartimiento central 1 y un segundo ...
    • Estructura molecular 

      De Ita Gutiérrez, Sandra Luz (2011-01)
      Matter is build up by atoms and these of subatomics particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. The atoms form bonds with their valence electrons. In organic compounds, the chemical bond is covalent, and because ...
    • Biomolecules 

      Ruiz Ortega, Rosario de los Milagros; Acosta Mejia, Martha Teresa (2019-10-01)
      Biochemistry is the chemistry of life, which means that studies the molecules that allow life: biomolecules. There are two types of biomolecules, inorganic such as water and carbon dioxide, and organic which are so big ...
    • Equidad de Género 

      Vence González, Patricia; Ruiz Ortega, Rosario de los Milagros (2020-12-01)
      A widely accepted definition of the term Gender Equality is the concept of providing equal opportunities to both men and women in political, economic, education and health aspects. The principles of equality and ...