• El Acto Administrativo 

      Lugo Ortiz, Sergio (2017-08-31)
      The administrative act is presented as one of the forms of action of the organs of the public administration, the classification, definition, and its elements will be addressed
    • Administración de Compensaciones 

      Rodríguez Vite, Higor (2022-11-15)
      Humanity has known work since its origin on Earth, as there are traces thatour ancestors hunted animals and gathered fruits, that is, from the dawn of thehistory worked to guarantee their subsistence.Wages are as old ...
    • Administración de la mercadotecnia 

      García García, Marco Antonio I.; Ramírez León, Juan Eduardo; López García, Sofía E. (2016-01-01)
      One of the most important concepts of marketing have to do, not marketing itself, but with its administration. That is, not enough to know what factors should be included in a strategy for it to be successful, but to ...
    • Administración de la Mercadotecnia 

      Ramírez López, Karla; Flores Jiménez, Ivette (2011-07)
      The marketing basis is the exchange of something valuable too, it is a total business system designed to plan products of satisfactions and desires, to price, promote and distribute them to target markets in order to achieve ...
    • Administración del Capital de Trabajo 

      Montiel Espinosa, Lucía Irma (2023-11-29)
      Las Pymes son en la actualidad representan más del 90% de las empresas más del 50% del Producto Interno Bruto y generan entre el 60% y 70% de los empleos a nivel global (OCDE, 2019) En México, el 99.8% de los establecimientos ...
    • Administración del Capital Humano 

      Flores Jiménez, Ruth; Flores Jiménez, Ivette (2011-07)
      All organization of individuals human capital and who depended on the good operation and the achievement of the objectives. The area of human resources of the organizations to perform a function of grant importance of this ...
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      At the end of the semester the student will be able to identify, apply and develop the essential elements in the strategic planning through a project.
    • Administración Estratégica 

      González Pérez, R. Yahir (2011-08)
      The students will understand the background and the concept of strategic management, its focus and the stages belonging to it. They will understand the importance of having a strategic planning and its advantages.
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2015-07-01)
      At the end of the semester the student will be able to identify, apply and develop the essential elements in the strategic planning through a project.
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Flores Jiménez, Ruth; Salazar Márquez, Gloria Monserrat; Tapia Castillo, Delia Iliana (2011-07)
      The study of Strategic Management started a few decades ago and should be understood as one result of the advance of Management Sciences. The current article studies the process of Strategic Management, considering both ...
    • Administración Financiera 

      De León Vázquez, Irma Isabel (2014-01)
      The following material presents the program of financial administration, coursing in the sixth semester of the Bachelor in Business Administration. It shows the importance of Mexican Financial System, Finance and methods ...
    • Análisis de puestos 

      García Calva, Ana Lilia (2011-07)
      In this material are the main elements that make a job analysis.
    • Análisis de regresión y correlación lineal 

      Martínez García, María Dolores; Salazar Hernández, Blanca Cecilia (2019-06-26)
      El análisis de correlación son un grupo de técnicas estadísticas, por ejemplo el método de mínimos cuadrados, que permiten medir la asociación entre dos variables. El análisis de regresión desarrolla la ecuación matemática ...
    • Análisis de Sensibilidad 

      Montiel Espinosa, Lucía Irma (2019-06-26)
      El análisis de sensibilidad es un modelo en el que los valores de las variables que se utilizan para la evaluación de proyectos puede tener desviaciones con efectos de consideración en la medición de sus resultados. La ...
    • Análisis del Entorno 

      Prado De la Vega, Vanessa (2017-08-31)
      In order to formulate a budget it is important to be able to analyze the environment of the company in order to ensure that the unforeseen does not significantly alter the budgeted results.
    • Análisis Financiero 

      Rivera López, María Isabel (2020-06-28)
      El Análisis Financiero comprende la recopilación, interpretación de porcentajes, tasas, tendencias, indicadores y estados financieros los cuales sirven para evaluar el desempeño financiero y operacional de la compañía, ...
    • Antecedentes de la RSE 

      Hernández Gracia, Tirso Javier; Corichi García, Alejandra; Valencia Sandoval, Karina (2023-05-25)
      Aunque la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) pareciera un término de moda en cuanto a empresas se refiere, su historia se remonta varios años atrás y su implementación es un proceso que poco a poco va obteniendo ...
    • Antecedentes Históricos de la Administración 

      Corichi García, Alejandra; Valencia Sandoval, Karina; Martínez García, Dolores (2022-09-15)
      Desde que el hombre apareció en la faz de la tierra ha trabajado para subsistir, tratando de lograr en sus actividades la mayor efectividad posible; para ello, ha utilizado en cierto grado a la administración, Es ...
    • Aplicaciones de Internet 

      Mera Callejas, Guillermo (2015-06-30)
      Internet is a network of networks that allows the decentralized networking of computers through a set of protocol scalled TCP/IP. He had its origins in 1969,when an agency of the United States Department of Defense began ...
    • Aprendizaje organizacional 

      González Hernández, Alicia (2011-07)
      In recent years, organizations have realized the need to promote organizational learning and make smart business organizations in which information becomes knowledge and this can be shared among all employees. The ...