Now showing items 1-10 of 31
SAAI (Sistema Automatizado Aduanero Integral)
In SAAI the validation process motions and traffic gives rise to an exchange of information between agents and customs brokers on the one hand and the customs authority on the other. This communication occurs through the ...
Base de Datos DIA
Filosofía de la Ciencia
The philosophy of science constitutes a field of research relatively young and in constant expansion, a field whose fecundity and relevance respond to the very nature of its object of study. Critical reflection on science, ...
Corrientes filosóficas
The philosophical currents have as central objectives the promotion of critical and autonomous thinking, the promotion of communication, social interaction and the impulse of the creativity of the students. Without the ...
Tipos de Investigación
The scientific method is one, there are several ways of identifying its practice or application in research. So the research can be classified in different ways. Positivist approaches promote empirical research with a high ...
Fuentes de Información
The process of searching for scientific information on a topic is important to establish the state of the issue.
A bibliographic and electronic review should be carried out before conducting a research project.
This ...
BADECEL (Base de Datos Estadísticos de Comercio Exterior).
BADECEL is a bank of statistical data on foreign trade, generated and maintained by the Division of Statistics and Economic Projections of CEPAL.
Its purpose is to support economic analysis and research that take place ...
Fundamentos Filosóficos y Epistemológicos
El desarrollo de las investigaciones científicas en la ciencia moderna se ha visto
influenciado por distintas escuelas filosóficas, tales como el empirismo, el
materialismo dialectico e histórico, el positivismo, la ...
Estilos de Aprendizaje
Los estilos de aprendizaje abordan una nueva realidad dentro
del ámbito educativo, en donde se genera una nueva forma de
ver la acción pedagógica y hace un giro a los antiguos
paradigmas conductuales hacia un enfoque ...
Autoconocimiento y Autoestima
El descubrimiento de uno mismo consiste en saber destapar
todo aquello que hace referencia a su persona y descubrirse
así mismo. Una persona que se ha de querer a sí misma,
también se ha de conocer mejor y aceptarse ...