Now showing items 1-10 of 1230
La Entrevista de Trabajo
In this work are the basic recommendations for the
development of a job interview.
Diagnósticos de Régimenes Fiscales
Administración Estratégica
At the end of the semester the
student will be able to identify, apply and
develop the essential elements in the strategic
planning through a project.
Diagrama del Costo de Producción
Analyze the three elements of cost for the preparation of
an article. As the calculations to obtain the unit cost
Portafolios de Inversión
Large companies are not great investments, unless the price is right. The fact of investing may seem simple, but it is not. Many decisions and challenges involved in the process of investing in the current changing financial ...
Proyectos de inversión
Through the following slide show is looking to introduce in the field of investment projects
to be able to distinguish between different types available, identifying the stages that
contains a project, and the elements ...
Subject questions
Most of the questions in English language ask about objects, however, there are also questions which require a subject as an answer.
La mayoría de las preguntas en inglés dirigen el cuestionamiento hacia objetos, sin ...
Servicios empresariales y consultoría
In this course the student will acquire basic knowledge
of consulting, differing forms of diagnosis and being
able to plan and implement its image as a
consultant. Also, have the ability to develop various
forms of ...
Aprendizaje organizacional
In recent years, organizations have
realized the need to promote organizational
learning and make smart business
organizations in which information becomes
knowledge and this can be shared among all
employees. The ...
Gestión y Plan Tecnológico
La Planeación Tecnológica es un proceso institucionalizado dentro de una compañía que permite la introducción de nuevas tecnologías a productos, procesos y servicios. En general, este se basa en el conocimiento profundo ...