Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Subject questions
Most of the questions in English language ask about objects, however, there are also questions which require a subject as an answer.
La mayoría de las preguntas en inglés dirigen el cuestionamiento hacia objetos, sin ...
Like, love, hate
To express likes and dislikes, it is possible to use the words like, love and hate. In some cases we can use nouns or verbs. This presentation shows what to do in both cases.
Para expresar preferencias y hablar de lo que ...
Too, too much, too many, enough
The following presentation shows some forms we can use to say we have more than we want, less than we want or the exact amount of something.
La siguiente presentación muestra algunas de las formas que podemos utilizar ...
Passive Voice
Students need to know grammar structures in order to communicate well.
This is a basic tense.
Past Continuous
Students need to know grammar structures in order to communicate well.
This is a basic tense.
Past Simple
Students need to know grammar structures in order to communicate well.
This is a basic tense
Making comparisons
We use comparatives to compare two nouns which belong (most of the times) to the same group or to groups of nouns which have some characteristics in particular which can be compared.
Usamos los comparativos para comparar ...
México multicultural
La vida social esta compuesta por acciones y expresiones significativas, de enunciados y artefactos que le dan sentido . La cultura alude a una variedad de fenómenos que se reinventan en cada momento, que se transforman ...
Freetime activities
Calidad Total
Si hacemos un poco de historia, el Control de Calidad, en su moderna acepción, nace en los Estados Unidos. Japón durante su periodo de alto crecimiento económico, lo importó y desarrolló como Control Total de Calidad (CTC) ...