Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Analyzing the spatial dynamics of a prey predator lattice model with social behavior
A lattice prey?predator model is studied. Transition rules applied sequentially describe processes such as reproduction, predation, and death of predators. The movement of predators is governed by a local particle swarm ...
Un algoritmo de optimización estocástica Con incorporación de información a priori
En este documento se desarrolla una algoritmo de busqueda aleatoria con incorporacion de informacion a priori para optimizar algunos modelos de programacion matematica no lineal con estructura estocastica. El algoritmo ...
Transitive behavior in reversible one-dimensional cellular automata with a Welch index 1
The problem of knowing and characterizing the transitive behavior of a given cellular automaton is a very interesting topic. This paper provides a matrix representation of the global dynamics in reversible one-dimensional ...
A note about the regular languaje of Rule 110 and its general machine: the scalar subset diagram.
As it was published in other papers, a regular language
can be derived in the elemental cellular automaton (ECA)
Rule 110 from a subset of regular expressions produced from its
set of gliders. This way, a full description ...
Areas de oportunidad en el estudio de aut´omatas celulares reversibles
Este manuscrito presenta una visi´on general de los resultados m´as relevantes en la investigaci´on que se ha desarrollado en los ´ultimos 40 a?nos en aut´omatas celulares reversibles en una dimensi´on, as´? como
la ...
Gliders in Rule 110
The one-dimensional binary cellular automaton numbered Rule 110 in Stephen Wolfram?s system of identification [47] has been an object of special attention due to the structures or gliders1 which have been observed in ...
The Inverse Behavior of a Reversible One-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Obtained by a Single Welch Diagram
Reversible cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems based on local interactions which are able to produce an invertible global behavior. Reversible automata have been carefully analyzed by means of graph
and matrix ...
We study a binary-cell-state eight-cell neighborhood two-dimensional cellular automaton model of a quasi-chemical system with a substrate and a reagent. Reactions are represented by semitotalistic
transitions rules: every ...
This paper exposes a procedure for modeling and solving linear systems using continuousvalued cellular automata. The original part of this work consists on showing how the
cells in the automaton may contain both real values ...
Rule 110 Objects and Other Collision-Based Constructions
The one-dimensional cellular automaton Rule 110 shows a very ample and diversified glider dynamics. The huge number of collision-based reactions presented in its evolution space are useful to implement some specific ...