Now showing items 1-10 of 18
El enfoque de sistemas para la aplicación de la manufactura esbelta
El enfoque de sistemas, por su potencial para apoyar conceptualmente la solución de problemas complejos en los dominios más diversos, es considerado de gran utilidad para guiar la aplicación de propuestas de mejora en ...
Diagnóstico de infraestructura básica municipal: el caso de Acaxochitlan
La infraestructura básica presenta desafíos para el desarrollo local municipal, sobre todo cuando la cobertura de los servicios se tiene que realizar en comunidades dispersas y a veces aisladas. La inversión en infraestructura ...
Dynamics of the shift in resonance frequencies in a triple pendulum
It is shown the solution of a triple pendulum in two dimensions with a harmonic perturbation using a nonlinear model. It is proposed a general matrix form for the model of pendulum with n-links.An analysis of resonance ...
A Petri Net Model For An Active Database Simulator.
Active database systems were introduced to extend the database functionality. As well as a repository of data, active database can detect the occurrence of events in a database system and react automatically to event ...
Modelacion de una red de Petri mediante un automata celular
En el presente proyecto de investigación se llevó a cabo la
modelación de una red de Petri (RdP) mediante un autómata celular (AC), así como el análisis de dicha red por medio de la evolución del autómata celular desde una ...
Conservation features in binary collisions for Rule 110 cellular automaton
This paper investigates collisions of gliders generated by one-dimensional Rule 110 cel lular automaton. A specic value associated with each glider and an algebraic equation that describes the collision between two gliders ...
Modeling and Simulation of Textile Supply Chain through Colored Petri Nets
The purpose of this paper is to describe the business process modeling and simulation of a textile supply chain using Colored Petri nets. Our model takes into account both the source process and delivery logistics that ...
Singular Integral Operators with Coefficients of a Special Structure Related to Operator Equalities
In our previous works we have constructed operator equalities which transform scalar singular integral operators with shift to matrix characteristic singular integral operators without shift and found some of their ...
Riemann Problem and Singular Integral Equations with Coefficients Generated by Piecewise Constant Functions
We study a Riemann boundary value problem with a shift into the interior of the domain. The problem has piecewise constant coefficients that take two values. We find conditions
for the existence and uniqueness of a solution ...
Applications of operator equalities to singular integral operators and to Riemann boundary value problems
In the first part of this article (Section 2), we consider a Riemann boundary value problem with shift and
piecewise constant coefficients. In the second part (Section 3), we consider a matrix characteristic singular
integral ...