Mexican Bioethics Review ICSA 2024-01-05T00:41:53-06:00 Mtro. Alejandro Pacheco Gómez Open Journal Systems Cover 2024-01-05T00:41:51-06:00 Alejandro Pacheco Gómez 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Editorial Comittee 2024-01-05T00:41:51-06:00 Alejandro Pacheco-Gómez 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Editorial 2024-01-05T00:41:51-06:00 Alejandro Pacheco-Gómez 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Attitudes toward transgender people of Mexican university students 2024-01-05T00:41:52-06:00 Irina Lazarevich Luis Ortiz-Hernández Lydia López-Pontigo José Ramón Aguilar-Martínez Lizbeth Alondra Hernández-Paniagua <p><em>Introduction</em>: At the national level, research on attitudes towards transgender people is incipient, especially in academic field; therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate attitudes towards transgender people among Mexican college students and their associations with sociodemographic characteristics, orientation to social dominance and egalitarianism. <em>Methods:</em> The sample consisted of 471 undergraduate students between 16 and 29 years old from public universities of México City and Estate of Mexico. The Scales of Attitudes towards Transgender People and of Social Dominance Orientation were applied; socioeconomic characteristics were evaluated.&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Results:</em> It was observed that college students had a medium level of acceptance towards transgender people; however, between 2% and 5% of them still maintain attitudes of rejection. Men, religious people, and participants who scored higher on social dominance orientation expressed more negative attitudes toward transgender people and less positive in activism and interest in the topic. The opposite trends were observed among participants with higher levels of egalitarianism.</p> <p><em>Conclusions</em>: Negative attitudes toward transgender people can contribute to a hostile environment for this population group in educational institutions. Understanding and recognizing of human diversity by college students, especially health professionals, will enable them to respect this vulnerable population in their future professional activities</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Irina Lazarevich, Luis Ortiz-Hernández, Lydia López-Pontigo, José R. Aguilar-Martínez, Lizbeth A. Hernández-Paniagua Bioethic principals for researching and health attention for trans woman 2024-01-05T00:41:52-06:00 José Ramón Aguilar-Martínez Arianna Omaña-Covarrubias Lydia López-Pontigo Ana Teresa Nez-Castro Gustavo Adolfo Hernández-Cerecedo María del Refugio Acuña Gurrola Consuelo Cabrera Morales <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The name of transgender woman is given to that person whose sex assigned at birth is not consistent with their gender identity or expression. Mexico occupies the second place in transfeminicides. Furthermore, the acts of violence and discrimination, also afflict this group and can be related to negative perceptions towards trans women. On the other hand, health care for trans women turns out to be inadequate because it does not cover their needs. Likewise, within the field of research in Mexico, studies that focus on trans women are scarce. Based on the aforementioned, it is evident that this population remains in a vulnerable state, and it infers incongruously in the bioethical principles that should cover this group. For this reason, bioethics is the branch of ethics that aims to provide dignified and humanized treatment of human life based on four principles: 1) beneficence, 2) non-maleficence, 3) autonomy, and 4) justice. Currently, greater awareness is required among both health service providers and researchers to provide timely care and inclusion in research protocols, which allows the generation of more epidemiological information on trans women.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arianna Omana Evaluating patient safety: Analysis of adverse events in hospitals in Hidalgo 2024-01-05T00:41:52-06:00 Carlos A. Castro del Ángel <p>This descriptive observational study analyzes adverse events in public hospitals in Hidalgo between 2013 and 2021. The main objective is to understand patient safety at the local level using data from the Adverse Event Recording System. Data from 1,830 surveys from 14 hospitals were collected, focusing on sociodemographic, clinical, and hospital service variables. The results indicate a higher prevalence of adverse events in women (59.78%) and in the age group of 21 to 30 years. The most common places of occurrence were Internal Medicine and Hospitalization, mainly during the morning shift. The most frequent incidents were medication-related, falls, and infections, with a majority classified as 'no harm'. Patient characteristics and the application of protocols were identified as factors most commonly present in adverse events. However, only 2.02% of the events underwent a root cause analysis. The study highlights the need to develop specific strategies for prevention and reporting, emphasizing continuous education of medical staff and the strengthening of hospital policies, and the consolidation of information on adverse events for future research.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos A. Castro del Ángel Patient safety and the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence 2024-01-05T00:41:52-06:00 Gabriela Navia Tapia <p>Patient safety actions represent a means to avoid unsafe practices during medical care, establishing rules to instruct health personnel not to be negligent or carry out behaviors that produce or increase the risks inherent to medical practice. On the other hand, bioethics constitutes a discipline to protect the dignity of the patient, against interventions in their entirety to recover, improve or preserve health. In particular, the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence of so-called principalist bioethics are fulfilled with those actions that are aimed at avoiding harm to the patient, through the observance of rules closely related to said principles.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Navia Tapia The current panorama of the legislation on the legal interruption of pregnancy in Mexico 2024-01-05T00:41:53-06:00 Alejandro Pacheco Gómez <p>The interruption of pregnancy is a topic of great controversy in various areas. In Mexico, most criminal legislation defines abortion as the death of the product of conception at any time during pregnancy. With the evolution in the recognition and defense of human rights, it has currently been considered that the prohibition of abortion affects the exercise of reproductive freedom and access to health services, since it forces women to a procreation and are prevented from accessing safe abortion. Thus, approximately a third of local laws have modified the crime of abortion to define it as the interruption of pregnancy after the twelfth week of gestation; With this, a trend has begun towards not prohibiting this procedure during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. However, it is not without ethical and legal implications, since health personnel may also object to participating for reasons of conscientious objection.</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Pacheco Gómez