

M. en C. Víctor Manuel García Acosta
Profesor Asociado, Carrera Médico Cirujano, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


In the development of health sciences, a fundamental aspect is their application to the general population to solve health problems. Sometimes, however, it happens that certain public health actions have not associated monitoring and their possible beneficial effects are disrupted especially when these are expected in medium and long term.
In this issue of The Mexican Journal of Medical Research , interest and concern manifested by the Academic Area of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, by presenting a retrospective view of the manner in which the wife of president Abelardo Rodriguez- Mrs. Aida S. Rodriguez- concerned about the high infant morbidity and mortality in Mexico of the thirties of the last century, she led the publication and dissemination among the Mexican population of the book: For the Maternal and child health. Book for Mexican mother and health policy in Mexico in the 1930´s.
The material begins with the words that were on their way to Mexican mothers:  Lady: read this book carefully and never destroy it; always keep it within reach. If you have any friend interested in owning this book, tell her that she can get a copy at no cost to her; absolutely free, asking to Mrs. Aida S. Rodriguez.
The interesting article presents some of the challenges they faced for broadcast and concludes mentioning the impact in the various cultural-socio-economic sectors of the Mexican population.
However, very close to celebrate a century of publication of this document, the articles in this issue show the persistence of such health problems that are result of a poor health education and the consequent lack of prevention in broad sectors of the Mexican population in the twenty-first century.
The article: Caries in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate, and their Dental Rehabilitation. Presentation of a Clinical Case, shows evidence that the lack of appropriate care leads to the development of dental caries in children with these congenital malformations.
Like the article, Rejection of a contraceptive method during the immediate postpartum period in adolescent patients, shows data obtained from a population of teenage mothers attended at a hospital and where huge gaps shown in education and health prevention in terms of pregnancies and planning which does not it allows for making responsible and assertive in the process of health care decisions.
Which it has been lacking in the health policies and strategies in our country to reduce the incidence of pre and post natal diseases in the child and the mother? The stated objective remains in place in the book of Mrs. Aida Rodriguez? :  this objective was: the urgent need to inject a vibrant life force in our race, through healthy and strong generations, free from hereditary evil generations deficiences caused by poor diet or poor hygiene.
We invite you to reflect about these articles and to submit your contributions to inject that vital force to our students and physicians in order to achieve those generations of Mexicans with better health.