Marketing for human resources: internal communications for the employer brand

  • Ximena Márquez Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Organizational marketing, human resources, internal communications, employer brand


The Human Resources is considered as an auxiliary or support area, currently is priority area for managers, companies are increasingly controlled of the importance of human talent in an organization, including employees in projects it is more practicable to achieve the defined objectives, highlighting the importance of effective and comprehensive internal communication for the different generations that collaborate in the company, the employer brand must motivate and inspire, communication being the pillar of this value, proposing an internal communication strategy aligned with the current needs.


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Linardi, A. y Cortina, M, (2017) Marketing para recursos humanos: Comunicaciones internas para la marca Empleador. Granica 1era edición. Buenos Aires.

How to Cite
Márquez Hernández, X. (2021). Marketing for human resources: internal communications for the employer brand. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 9(17), 21-22.