Instructional Design by Employing the ADDIE Model to Enhance the Performance of Undergraduate Students


El Modelo ADDIE establece la mejora de las clases presenciales a través del uso de este diseño instruccional, con el uso de este modelo se pretende impactar positivamente en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes a través del uso de las TIC; al hacer uso de herramientas tecnológicas que permitan, 1) la motivación de los estudiantes, 2) la actualización de los materiales didácticos y contenidos de las clases que se imparten en el sistema presencial en las universidades. El modelo ADDIE es un modelo instruccional flexible que permite la evaluación de su funcionamiento en cualquiera de sus cinco etapas que son el Análisis, Diseño, Desarrollo, Implementación y Evaluación. Este artículo presenta una visión general de la importancia del uso de un diseño instruccional que permita lograr el aprendizaje mixto y que además esto nos lleve al seguimiento de teorías de aprendizaje como el constructivismo y conductismo.

Palabras clave: Modelo, ADDIE, Aprendizaje, TIC


The ADDIE Model establishes the improvement of classroom classes through the use of this instructional design, with the use of this model is intended to positively impact students' learning through the use of ICT; to make use of technological tools that allow, 1) motivation of students, 2) updating of teaching materials and contents of classes that are taught in the face-to-face system in universities. The ADDIE model is a flexible instructional model that allows the evaluation of its operation in any of its five stages that are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. This article presents an overview of the importance of the use of an instructional design that allows to achieve the mixed learning and that this also leads us to follow learning theories like constructivism and behaviorism.

Keywords: Model, ADDIE, LEARNING, ICT

1. Introduction

UNESCO (2016) established in its Internet portal “ICT in Education” that ICT has contributed to the access to education where the practice of teaching and learning is of quality, besides generating professional development, which leads to have comprehensive education systems and, consequently, more efficient. It also mentions that, if resources are scarce, then there must be a good use of ICT in order to overcome the obstacles that are generated when distributing and updating school materials. In turn, UNESCO implements different strategies that promote the promotion of ICT in education, based on three sectors: Education, Communication and Information and Science.

In UNESCO's publication "Regional Analysis of ICT Integration in Education and Digital Fitness (e-readiness)" (UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2013) rescued that making use of ICT will allow economic and social development, inclusion, universal access to education, all of the above considered as a priority, which will allow maximizing opportunities by implementing innovative pedagogical models.

ICT is a fundamental instrument for teaching today, betting on technology, is betting on a complementary quality education, where innovation predominates in the development of information and transformation of communication systems, but more important is to harness the potential of ICT in autonomous learning in order to achieve meaningful learning; thus making use of ICT through the application of instructional designs as a support to face-to-face classes, we believe it will positively impact the training of upper-level students. (Gayosso, 2016)

Continuing with this author, the use of electronic media and communication has increased considerably, this technological development has evolved and changed the way we communicate, learn and also teach; therefore the teaching-learning process has evolved over the years.

It is important to add that the use of technology allows counteracting weaknesses that students face in the learning process, coupled with this we have the liking that the students have for the use of information and communication technologies, however, we consider that providing students with clear objectives will contribute to the development of competencies at higher level, if we set goals to fulfill, then improvements must be made in the teaching-learning process, which will lead to the student to a professional growth. (Dzul et al., 2010) Maybe the main paradigm of education is centered on the acquisition of competences that allow graduated professionals in their area of knowledge, able to face any challenge in the future, having a satisfactory performance.

2. Instructional Model ADDIE

Learning objectives could be based on two theories, on behaviorism and on constructivism and their relation to instructional design; the position of behavioral theory is centered on the teacher, since this actor controls the development of the student, the student becomes a passive and receptive actor, the advantage that exists is that the student will be receiving constant feedback before each behavior. On the other hand constructivism is based on the premise that starting from our own experiences we could build our learning, establishing our own rules, which leads to the student to deepen their knowledge. (Cuahonte, et al., 2011)

The theories of learning support different models of instructional design, which could be oriented to the form, use, presentation of activities and instructions, Londoña (2012) affirms that the models of instructional design are oriented to the theories of learning and from the use of the educational technology the student was granted greater autonomy, giving to the students greater flexibility and freedom to develop their learning.

It is important to add that the current position of educational institutions is that more young people have access to education not only face-to-face, but also to promote a comprehensive training that allows the use of ICT, not only the use of technological tools as merely access to information, the teacher should seek the strategies necessary to be able to convert information into knowledge, which will allow the student to have a positive impact on their academic development and professional training.

Instructional design is a process that allows the development of various courses for face-to-face and distance education. It is very important to consider that this design is the basis that gives the necessary foundation to the learning process, establishing goals and objectives that are desired to achieve, in order to develop quality educational materials, instructional designs allow design, develop and evaluate different learning resources that should enable teachers to assess the feasibility of content and, if there are failures and will not get to meaningful learning relevant changes could be made; finally it provides flexibility when this process is being carried out, since instructors will be able to make decisions when they allow students to make appropriate use of the content and make an objective evaluation of it. (Belloch, 2010)

The instructional design, according to different authors cited by Londoño in 2011, implies planning of education under different standardized procedures which include the elaboration of plans, scripts and projects that allow an effective achievement of the teaching-learning cycle.

There are different models of instructional design, some of them are: ASSURE, Dick and Carey, ADDIE, Model Davis, among others. In this article we are going to work with the ADDIE Model, which is a flexible model, which allows the teacher to adapt to the needs of the students and, in addition, considered the most important aspect, the use of technologycan be adapted.

Based on the premises established with Belloch in 2010, the ADDIE model allows the designer to apply the different stages of this model, starting from the results of the formative evaluation of the students.

According to Muñoz (2012), it is an interactive instructional design, the steps of this model can be used in a sequential or, if appropriate, upward and simultaneous manner; the above allows to develop instructional designs that are not totally linear but that are iterative and recursive, which will allow the designer to have advantages when developing models that allow the formative evaluation.

Góngora & Martínez in the year 2012 contribute that the learning design can be developed chronologically and with logical steps, however also mention that there may be variations in the sequences; another of the characteristics mentioned by these authors is that the evaluation is feasible to be performed at all stages, this will guarantee us the revision and changes at any stage of this process.

Table 1. Steps, tasks and results of the ADDIE model.
ADDIE Phases Chores Results
The process of defining what is learned
Needs assessment. Identification of the problem. Analysis of tasks. Student profile.
Description of obstacles.
Needs, problem definition.
The process of specifying how it should be learned
Write the goals.
Develop the topics to be evaluated.
Plan the instruction. Identify resources.
Measurable objectives. Instructional Strategy. Specifications of the prototype.
The process of authorization and production of the materials
Work with producers.
Develop the workbook, organization chart and program.
Develop practical exercises.
Create the learning environment.
Computer-based instruction.
Instruments of feedback Measuring instruments. Computer-mediated instruction.
Collaborative learning. Web-based training.
The process of installing the project in the context of the real world
Teacher training.
Pilot training.
Student Comments.
Evaluation data.
The process of determining the adequacy of the instruction
Time recording data Interpreting the results of the evaluation.
Surveys to graduates.
Review of activities
Report of the evaluation Review of the materials Review of the prototype

Taken from Góngora & Martínez (2012)

The use of the ADDIE model is justified by indicating that it is a pedagogical guide in the design of courses, this model incorporates teachers (authors), students (users), technicians (designers) and groups of experts (evaluators); his model also can be used to learn (in the role of teacher) or also to generate new knowledge in students. (Silva et al., 2011)

Following the author Candia (2016) "... the stages of organization and presentation of contents are carried out sequentially-associated with the needs, pedagogy, technological resources, management and evaluation of the course".

This pedagogical model is based on the practice during the development of the course, its importance lies in the preparation of the activities that the students are going to carry out, since in this way they will be able to demonstrate the acquired competences, and Manzanares says that the key factor in the development of activities through the ADDIE model is in the establishment of the objectives, that means that the objectives to be achieved must be consistent with the competencies that are intended to develop in students and the materials with the activities. (Manzanares, 2014)

Another of ADDIE's benefits is the implementation of new Web-based teaching strategies using Web 2.0 technology tools (Facebook, GoogleDocs, Twiter, Wikis, YouTube, Blackboard®, etc.). ICTs, encourage collaborative work and, in addition, students witness lessons focused on virtual system and face-to-face, this combination allows the students to become more interested in building their own learning, without waiting for the teacher to be the mediator, thus leaving the student passive-receptive paper mentioned above. (Davis, 2013) This article considers positively the importance of the use of the ADDIE model because it allows designing the activities, monitoring the impact they have, observing how the 5 phases of the cycle of this model behave and whether or not to improve the phase considered relevant; the versatility of this model allows to visualize positive results in the course design.

3. Conclusions

ICTs, according to the documentary research carried out, allow us to support the importance of the use, application and evaluation of the information technologies used in the higher level, he foregoing leads to strengthening of strategies implemented in the teaching-learning processes, in addition, making use of ICTs, ensures, the motivation of students, use of technology that allows them to satisfy their needs and at the same time impact on learning.

It is important to conclude that instructional design is a quality process, which leads to feedback, reflection and analysis for the correct decision making; the role of the teacher is to guide the development of the student through the activities he/she performs and also evaluate if the course design is well underway and if the theories and models that were used in specific, are correct or depending on the case, if they will have to change to improve this process.

The ADDIE model is an instructional design that allows the teacher to make use of learning theories for impacting significantly learning of the students, although the teaching of the face-to-face classes has a methodology, this model allows to achieve the mixed learning, which, being a well-structured design, could prove that there is reliability and validity in the impact that has on the performance of students, undoubtedly guaranteeing the academic success and the professional training of our students.

The strength of the ADDIE model lies in the elaboration of the activities and their impact on the development of the lessons, the creation of teaching material that will be complementary in face-to-face classes, the time dosage to evaluate classroom and on line activities that allow to give a precise follow-up to the students.

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[a] Escuela Superior de Tizayuca, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Tizayuca, Hidalgo, 43800, México
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[b] Escuela Superior de Zimapan, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Zimapan, Hidalgo, 42330, México.
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