Journal of Administrative Science <p>Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administratívas</p> en-US (Dr. Danae Duana Ávila) (Mauro Alberto Amador Lámbarri) Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:42:37 -0600 OJS 60 Título Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Editorial committee Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Editorial Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Crowdfunding as a social fundraising strategy for the medical treatment of children with disabilities <p>Children with disabilities live with many deficiencies and are excluded from various actions that they should carry out because they do not have health, which is why it is sought to be able to support them through micro-financing (crowdfunding). Therefore, the objective of this article is to establish crowdfunding as a social fundraising strategy for the medical treatment of children with disabilities, for which it was carried out under the thematic analysis methodology to process qualitative information, within the framework of the social phenomenology, the individual identification of the health problem for 11 cases of crowdfunding during the months of October to December 2021. The results obtained in this first stage provided information on the perceptions, opinions, and feelings that the donors had, the data processing was carried out using the ATLAS.ti 22 software. It is concluded that the results help to understand the donors’ behaviour, to be established in the social fundraising strategy.</p> Alejandra Vega Barrios, Iván Hernández Ortíz, Consuelo Goytortúa Coyoli Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandra Vega Barrios, Iván Hernández Ortíz, Consuelo Goytortúa Coyoli Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Online food retail business and consumer behavior after the COVID-19 pandemic <p>At the end of 2019 the world experienced a great unexpected change by the generation of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19, where companies and consumers experienced changes in order to face this situation. The objective of this research was to conduct a study of online food sales businesses and consumer behaviour derived from the pandemic COVID-19 in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, in order to understand these changes, detect areas of opportunity and establish improvement strategies that strengthen this type of post-pandemic businesses. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional methodology was used, a convenience sampling was carried out with 120 cases and the measurement instrument used was based on the survey conducted by Huaman, Nuñez and Untama using the Likert scale, with which information of a social, personal, labour income, quality of care and bio safety nature was obtained [20]. The main results of the study indicate that there is a significant change in consumer behaviour with respect to online food businesses, especially in the form of online and physical purchase, as well as in the bio safety factor.</p> Tirso Javier Hernández Gracia, Katya Joselyn Verde López, Danae Duana Avila Copyright (c) 2023 Tirso Javier Hernández Gracia, Katya Joselyn Verde López, Danae Duana Avila Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 The SDGs: an approach to the study of actors and coordinated work between companies and governments. <p>The environment is an international society topic. The United Nations (UN) has therefore launched, within the framework of the 2030 agenda, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) to halt climate change and improve living conditions in the world. The objective of this work is to provide students with an approximation to the objectives of sustainable development and to emphasize the role that the public and private sectors play as the main actors of the project of improvement of the environment in the planet. This is a descriptive work that addresses the SDGs in general and not in particular, including their most important actors and their efforts to achieve them. This work tries to show how the actors make important efforts in the matter and their relevance on this global project. It is, therefore, a work that invites for reflection on the subject of the environment for future professionals of the administrative economic sciences.</p> Edgar Esaúl Vite Gómez, Gerardo Suárez Barrera, Blanca Josefina García Hernández Copyright (c) 2023 Edgar Esaúl Vite Gómez, Gerardo Suárez Barrera, Blanca Josefina García Hernández Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Primary export model of Venezuela <p>The main objective of this article is to study the primary export model in Latin America, and specifically in Venezuela, as an engine of economic growth through exports of natural resource-based products. Conquest and colonization shaped Latin American countries and turned them into outward-looking economies and made them dependent on the metropolis.&nbsp; The methods used to achieve the goal will be deductive and descriptive. As conclusions we have that Venezuela continues to depend on a product of nature, oil, which has suffered ups and downs in its prices, which puts the Venezuelan economy on edge.</p> Jacob Sánchez Martínez , Elias Gaona Rivera, Eduardo Rodríguez Juárez Copyright (c) 2023 Jacob Sánchez Martínez , Elias Gaona Rivera, Eduardo Rodríguez Juárez Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0600