Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology Research
<p>Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud</p>Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgoen-USJournal of Basic and Applied Psychology Research 2683-2267Cover
Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz
Copyright (c) 2024
2025-01-052025-01-05612Editorial committee
Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz
Copyright (c) 2024
Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz
Copyright (c) 2024
2025-01-052025-01-05612Effectiveness of the unified protocol in insomnia comorbid with anxiety disorders: case series report
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Insomnia is the sleep disorder with the greatest comorbidity with emotional disorders and its diagnosis and treatment is considered of relevance to public health. Specific psychological treatments do not address both disorders, which translates into greater time and cost for the patient. As an alternative, transdiagnostic treatments have been recently developed and tested. These treatments are focused on identifying common mechanisms associated with the etiology and maintenance of different disorders (e.g., neuroticism, rumination or avoidance). The unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders (UP) is a cognitive-behavioral intervention that has shown broad adaptability to various comorbid conditions such as insomnia and anxiety disorders. Objective: to evaluate the effect of the UP on insomnia and comorbid anxiety symptoms in a sample of Mexican adult patients (N=6). <strong>Method</strong>: A non-controlled quantitative pilot study was carried out with a within-subject design with pre- and post-treatment measurements as well as visual inspection of the results. The variables assessed were quality ( ICSP) and severity (ISI) of the sleep, sleep diary, insomnia (ESE), and anxiety symptoms (GAD-7). For the analysis of results, the Reliable Change Index (RCI) was calculated. <strong>Results:</strong> a decrease was observed in the scores of the 6 participants in the ICSP, ISI, ESE and GAD-7 consistent with the changes reported in the sleep diary. The RCI calculations achieve reliability in 5 of the 6 participants. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> based on these results we can say that the intervention was clinically significant for the participants, however, research needs to be done with a controlled research designs, larger number of participants, measuring the transdiagnostic mechanisms, and using polysomnography measures that allow these findings to be generalized.</p>Horacio Balam Álvarez GarcíaJorge Osma López
Copyright (c) 2024 Horacio Balam Álvarez García, Jorge Osma López
2025-01-052025-01-056121710.29057/jbapr.v6i12.13387Criminal Antisocial behavior in Mexican adolescents in conflict with the law
<p>Antisocial-delinquent behavior refers to antisocial acts that break or transgress the law, i.e., the typification established by the penal codes at any given moment and that receive some type of sanction. These acts serve as high predictors of individual and social psychological adjustment problems, including delinquent behavior during adulthood. In Mexico, the need arises to evaluate the adolescent population in conflict with the law in order to improve the treatment of juvenile delinquents. Method. Sample of 52 male adolescents aged 14 to 18 years, with schooling from 5 to 11 years; 26 from a social reinsertion center and 26 controls. The Antisocial-Delinquent Behavior Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory-II and Beck Anxiety Inventory were applied. Results. The social reintegration center group reported more delinquent behaviors and the control group more non-delinquent antisocial behaviors. Medium-high and high levels of antisocial criminal behavior were identified. There were significant differences in depression. Both groups presented minimal levels of anxiety. Levels of depression and anxiety were correlated with the levels of those who presented medium-high and high antisocial criminal behavior, finding a medium positive correlation for depression and low positive for anxiety. Conclusions: Delinquent behaviors were more reported in the group from the social reintegration center, which also presented mild level of depression and anxiety. It was slightly seen that, the higher the level of antisocial criminal behavior, the higher the level of depression and anxiety.</p>Gabriela Orozco CalderónAna Teresa Leal OrtaMetztli Alvear Vazquez
Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Orozco Calderón, Ana Teresa Leal Orta, Metztli Alvear Vazquez
2025-01-052025-01-0561281310.29057/jbapr.v6i12.12317Impact of gender violence against women in the couple relationship. Theoretical review
<p> In this article, a scientific theoretical review was carried out on the impact of gender-based violence against women in the relationship, with the aim of providing adequate comprehensive care for women in this situation. It was found that gender violence arises from a social structure that legitimizes values, norms and beliefs that generate violence, discrimination and exclusion against women; furthermore, it is a public health problem, because it negatively impacts the physical, psychological, economic, sexual and reproductive health of women, as well as their children. The affectations that are most referred to are the development of mental disorders, among which are depression, anxiety and PTSD; Likewise, the sexual and reproductive life of women is affected, in addition to absenteeism from work, poor performance and the replication of violence by children. It is concluded that when psychological care is provided, it should not only be approached as a health problem, but also as a social problem; Therefore, in addition to making use of scientifically validated therapies, the gender perspective must also be used.</p>Guadalupe Yazmin Serrano Miranda
Copyright (c) 2024 Guadalupe Yazmin Serrano Miranda
2025-01-052025-01-05612142110.29057/jbapr.v6i12.7723Attitudes towards suicidal behavior in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review
<p>Suicide is a multi-causal and complex phenomenon that affects thousands of people worldwide. One of the perspectives for its understanding is the analysis and understanding of attitudes toward suicide; these attitudes vary between countries and cultures, so it is required to contextualize them. The study's objective was to develop a systematic review of attitudes towards suicide in low- and middle-income countries due to increased suicides in these countries. The search engines were EBSCO, Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scielo, Scopus, Taylor and Francis, and Wiley, following the PRISMA statement for developing systematic reviews. Results show that attitudes toward suicide are influenced by factors such as sex, age, profession, and religion; these play an essential role in behaviors, beliefs, and emotions toward suicide. The conclusion focuses on the importance of developing studies in low and middle-income countries and the generation of contextually and culturally adjusted evidence in developing intervention and prevention strategies.</p>Karla Patricia Valdés-GarcíaLuis Miguel Sánchez-LoyoFerrán Padrós-BlázquezEmmanuel Nii‑Boye Quarshie
Copyright (c) 2024 Karla Patricia Valdés-García, Luis Miguel Sánchez-Loyo, Ferrán Padrós-Blázquez, Emmanuel Nii‑Boye Quarshie
2025-01-052025-01-05612223910.29057/jbapr.v6i12.14377Procedures for the assessment of severe behavior difficulties in basic level students.
<p class="Resumen-Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB">The objective of this study was to make a theoretical review of research related to the evaluation and brief functional analysis in basic level students (3 to 12 years old) who present problematic behaviors or severe behavioral difficulties, which act as barriers to learning and student participation, limiting access and participation for the maximum achievement of the expected learning. The review did not take into account the presence or absence of any type of disability or disorder or the dates of publication of the studies, due to the scarce empirical research on the subject. Emphasis is made on functional evaluation and analysis procedures, however, given the relevance of its therapeutic approach, mention is made of various intervention strategies that are functional for behavioral modification.</span></p>Sayuri Rodríguez Gómez
Copyright (c) 2024 Sayuri Rodríguez Gómez
2025-01-052025-01-05612404510.29057/jbapr.v6i12.7725Boys and girls born inside penitentiaries: psychosocial expectations of mothers deprived of their liberty
<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Este trabajo de investigación busca señalar aquellas estrategias utilizadas por las madres privadas de libertad, para el sano desarrollo de los infantes en condiciones de reclusión, mediante la recolección de información de la historia de vida con la participación y experiencia de una madre reclusa con las siglas. JFA recientemente estrenadas, con seudónimo (Julia). Que nos permita ampliar el panorama y perspectiva de los retos y estrategias que ella implementó durante ese tiempo. A partir de un análisis del impacto del desarrollo infantil en las primeras etapas de la vida dentro de un entorno penitenciario, considerando a las madres privadas de su libertad desde un contexto legal como agentes claves para mitigar los efectos negativos del entorno penitenciario.</span></span></span></span></p>Karla Edith Ramírez Rodríguez
Copyright (c) 2024 Karla Edith Ramírez Rodríguez