Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology Research <p>Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud</p> en-US (Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz) (Mauro Alberto Amador Lámbarri) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:42:11 -0600 OJS 60 Cover Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Editorial committee Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Editorial Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Sexual Harassment and Self-Esteem in Female University Students of Hidalgo <p>Sexual harassment is a worldwide problem that influences on self-esteem and causes various emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, helplessness, and/or stress in women. For this reason, the objective of this research is focused on identifying the relationship between sexual harassment and self-esteem in female university students in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. The design is non-experimental, with a correlational and cross-sectional type of study, (N = 120) female psychology undergraduate students, with an age range of 18 to 24 years old (<em>X̅ = 20. 29, S.D. = 1.56)</em> were selected by means of a non-probabilistic sample, to which a battery of instruments was applied, including: <em>Coopersmith´s Adult Self-Esteem Inventory</em>, <em>Garcia´s Sexual Harassment Scale</em> and a <em>Questionnaire (ex profeso designed) of sociodemographic</em>. The results show a significant negative mean relationship between the Physical Approaches factor of the Sexual Harassment Scale and the Level of Total Self-Esteem. It should be noted that, physical sexual harassment is significantly related to self-esteem, which demonstrates the need to take measures to prevent and reduce this problem.</p> Arlette Michelle Bautista Gutierrez, Rebeca María Elena Guzmán-Saldaña, Luis Israel Ledesma-Amaya Copyright (c) 2024 Arlette Michelle Bautista Gutierrez, Rebeca María Elena Guzmán-Saldaña, Luis Israel Ledesma-Amaya Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Emotional characterization of women in a situation of refuge due to intimate partner violence <p>Intimate partner violence manifests itself through physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic abuse and is considered a global problem that affects women of all cultures and socioeconomic levels. In Mexico, 70.1% of women have experienced violence, with psychological violence being the most prevalent (INEGI, 2021). This descriptive correlational study analyzes six women's emotional profiles and character strengths in refugee situations. The instruments used were the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Multicultural Inventory of the Expression of Anger and Hostility (ML-STAXI), the Character Strengths Questionnaire (VIA), and the Resilience Scale for Mexicans (RESI). -M). The results revealed moderate levels of depression, high levels of state anger, low levels of trait anger, and difficulties in anger control. Regarding resilience, 67% of the participants showed medium and 33% high levels, with strength in social support and structure. The most prominent character virtues were persistence, gratitude, and hope, while open-mindedness and curiosity were the lowest. Significant positive correlations were found between depression and the internal expression of anger, as well as negative correlations between resilience and depression. These findings highlight the importance of integrating positive psychology approaches into shelter services to improve the emotional health and empowerment of women victims of intimate partner violence.&nbsp;</p> Amanda Guadalupe Díaz-Contreras, Luis Vicente RuedaLeón, Karla Patricia Valdés-García , Bárbara de los Ángeles Pérez-Pedraza Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Vicente RuedaLeón, Amanda Guadalupe Díaz-Contreras, Karla Patricia Valdés-García , Bárbara de los Ángeles Pérez-Pedraza Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Models for evaluating socio-emotional competencies in the educational field. <p class="Resumen-Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB">Socioemotional competence is a construct that in recent years has received greater interest in studying and applying it to the educational field. However, it has been complicated to define it, making it difficult to establish adequate methodologies and procedures for its evaluation. This theoretical review article on evaluation models of socio-emotional competencies aims to review and analyze different theoretical approaches to socio-emotional competencies, identifying evaluation models that allow defining suitable strategies for their evaluation in scientific research in the educational area. When analyzing the articles found under the inclusion criteria, three thematic axes are established: Definition of socio-emotional competence/ability; Theoretical models of socioemotional competence and evaluation strategies in socioemotional competence in the educational field.</span></p> Alinne Cristina Vargas Olmedo, Evelia Reséndiz Balderas, José Manuel Cappello y García Copyright (c) 2024 Alinne Cristina Vargas Olmedo, Evelia Reséndiz Balderas, José Manuel Cappello y García Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Adversity in childhood as a risk and vulnerability factor for intimate partner violence <p>Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) constitute a complex and devastating phenomenon that has lasting consequences on a person's life. These experiences include, but are not limited to, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exposure to domestic violence. Numerous studies have shown that ACE not only affect the emotional and psychological development of children, but also have profound and lasting implications in adult life, such as the impact on emotional regulation and the formation of healthy relationships, including couple relationships. Research suggests that people who have experienced childhood adversity are at greater risk of finding themselves in violent relationships, either as victims or perpetrators. This connection may be due to a variety of factors, including internalization of abusive behaviour patterns, difficulties in emotional regulation, and low self-esteem. Meanwhile, the objective of this study is to carry out a theoretical review of what has been studied in this regard with the aim of understanding how adverse experiences in childhood can predispose people to intimate partner violence. This knowledge is not only vital for the development of effective prevention strategies, but also for the design of therapeutic interventions that help break the cycle of violence.</p> Olinda Dulcemaría Ruiz-Fuentes; Verónica Alexandra Molina Coloma Copyright (c) 2024 Olinda Dulcemaría Ruiz-Fuentes; Verónica Alexandra Molina Coloma Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Quality of life assessment of adolescent secondary school students from Potosí <p class="Resumen-Abstract"><span class="Resumen-AbstractCar"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">Quality of Life (QOL) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) are essential concepts for understanding the well-being of individuals, particularly during adolescence, which is a crucial transitional stage in the lives of human beings. The assessment of QOL supports us in gaining a comprehensive understanding of well-being and development at various stages of life. Assessing QOL in adolescents allows researchers and health professionals to understand the specific dynamics of this population. Method. The present study assessed QOL in adolescents from technical high schools in vulnerable areas of San Luis Potosí. The Kidscreen-52 scale (KS-52) was used to probe physical, emotional and social aspects, as well as risk factors. A total of 797 students (50% male, 50% female) between 11 and 15 years of age from two technical high schools participated in the study. Of the sample, 35.94% were first year students, 38.39% were second year students and 26.47% were third year students. Results. Statistical differences were found for internal factors (t=5.87; gl 795; p &lt; .001) between males and females, with lower scores in the latter. Likewise, greater vulnerability was observed in the first and third grades (F= 3.076; p = 0.047). In both subsamples, the relevance of socioeconomic status and parental and family relationship as external factors predominates, and physical and psychological well-being, self-perception and autonomy as internal factors. Conclusions. The findings of the present work support the importance of approaching adolescent QOL from a comprehensive perspective, considering both internal and external factors that influence their overall well-being.</span></span></p> Sergio Galán-Cuevas, Yireh Anahi López-Miramón, Jose Esael Pineda-Sánchez Copyright (c) 2024 Sergio Galán-Cuevas, Yireh Anahi López-Miramón, Jose Esael Pineda-Sánchez Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600 Life skills, sociodemographic variables and suicide risk in college students <p>Objective: To determine the effect of life skills and sociodemographic variables on the risk of suicide differentiated by sex. Methodology: Non-experimental, quantitative study with a descriptive cross-sectional design, the type of sampling used was non-probabilistic by convenience. Results: Males presented a higher risk in terms of total scores of suicidal orientation with 16.2% compared to females who represented 15.2%, this difference was statistically significant. The dimensions that most affected ideation in men were low self-esteem, while in women it was low self-esteem, loneliness and isolation. It was found that marital status (single and free union-partner relationship) can increase up to 3.312 times the risk of presenting suicide risk followed by sex (3.09), occupation (2.416) and assertive communication (2.251). Conclusions: The prevalence of suicide in university students was of medium level, however, it is considered that the phenomenon of suicide at this stage should be studied in depth, since it is the age range where most suicides are committed in the wor<em>ld.</em></p> Iván Rogelio Hernández-Quintero, Marco Antonio Santana-Campas Copyright (c) 2024 Iván Rogelio Hernández-Quintero, Marco Antonio Santana-Campas Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0600