Daily Routines


El presente material le permite al alumno aprender sobre el vocabulario, a estructura gramatical, el uso del idioma relacionado con las rutinas diarias.

Palabras clave: Desayunar, almorzar, cenar, ver la televisión, trabajar, estudiar, vestirse, despertar, bañarse.


This document allows the student to learn about vocabulary, grammatic structure and use of language related with daily routines.

Keywords: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, watch tv, work, study, get dressed, wake up, take a shower.

Competencia a desarrollar:

Comunicarse de manera adecuada en inglés.


El alumno expresará de forma fluida sus actividades cotidianas utilizando el vocabulario y la estructura gramatical adecuada.


Week days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


  1. Wake up

  2. Get dressed

  3. Take a shower

  4. Drive to work

  5. Get up

  6. Come back home

  7. Have breakfast

  8. Go to bed

Daily routines

William Levy wakes up at 6:30 every day and gets up at 7:00 o`clock.
He takes a shower and gets dressed, then has a light breakfast and drives to work.
He comes back home at 9:00 pm and finally goes to bed at 11:00.
I wake up at 6:30 every day, what about you?
I get up at 6:35, and you?
I take a shower at 7:00 am, and you?
I have a light breakfast at 7:30, what about you?
I get dressed and drive to work at 7:50, what about you?
I come back home at 7:35 pm and go to bed at 10:30 pm, and you?


Murphy, Raymond (2012). English Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press.

Redston, Chris; Day, Jeremy (2012). Face 2 Face. London: Cambridge University Press

Richards, Jack; Hull, Jonathan (2013). Interchange 2. London: Cambridge University Press

[a] Profesor de Escuela Preparatoria No. 3