Now showing items 41-60 of 360

    • The passive past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • Accomplishments 

      Saldaña Franquis, Manuel (2015-06-30)
      It is considered that an accomplishment is an action that started in the past, continues at the present and can be prolonged through the future.
    • Personal Information 

      Piedra Mayorga, María del Socorro (2015-06-30)
      Personal information ideas are the basis to use when you meet somebody for the first time.
    • Past Continuous 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-06-30)
      The past simple continuous is the first topic in unit II in PAI (programa académico institucional) in the subject past and Future events in a foreign language.
    • Past Simple Tense 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-06-30)
      The past simple tense is the first topic in unit I in PAI (programa académico institucional) in the subject past and future events in a foreign language.
    • Making Comparisons 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When comparing two elements such as people, things, places, etc., it is necessary to use the comparative form of the adjective which is based on a group or rules.
    • Dominio y Propiedades de los Sistemas 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      There are differents types of systems, each one with properties, so, they need differents approaches and methodologies to study.
    • Simulación 

      González Hernández, Isidro Jesús (2015-06-30)
      To understand the reality and complexity of the operations that take place in a real system, it has been necessary to construct methods and tools to imitate (simulate) and experience the behavior of real systems. Computer ...
    • Ley de Pascal 

      Fernández Ángeles, Juan Carlos (2015-06-30)
      Pascal's principle can be checked using a hollow sphere, perforated in different places and provided with a plunger. When filling the area with water and put pressure on it by the piston, it is observed that the water goes ...
    • Transformadores 

      Fernández Ángeles, Juan Carlos (2015-06-30)
      Magnetism has many applications in our daily life such as in a transformer, so in the next presentation magnetism for greater understanding. Electrical transformers have been one of the most important inventions of electric ...
    • Teoría general de los sistemas 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2015-06-30)
      Impulsar el desarrollo de una terminología general que permita describir las características, funciones y comportamientos sistémicos
    • Dimensiones y unidades 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      The dimensions are basic measurement concepts, such as length, time, mass, temperature, among others. The units are the way to express the dimensions, such as feet or centimeters for length; hours or seconds for time.
    • Ecuaciones Diferenciales Homogéneas con Coeficientes Constantes 

      Muñoz Sáncez, Yira; Ortíz Domíngez, Martín; Flores Rentería, Migel Ángel (2015-06-30)
      En este material se presentan conceptos y ejemplos de temas como: Límites y Razones de Cambio. Siendo estos indispensables en la materia de cálculo diferencial e integral.
    • Transformada de Laplace 

      Muñoz Sánchez, Yira (2015-06-30)
      En este material se presenta la definición de la Transformada de Laplace, así como el proceso matemático a través del cual se obtiene.
    • Homogéneas orden 2 y superior 

      Muñoz Sáncez, Yira; Ortíz Domíngez, Martín (2015-06-30)
      En este material se presentan conceptos y ejemplos de temas como: Límites y Razones de Cambio. Siendo estos indispensables en la materia de cálculo diferencial e integral.
    • Programación de Computadoras 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      El software especializado permite agilizar las tareas cotidianas así como reducir tiempo dentro de las industrias. La lógica binaria permite solucionar problemas identificando las variables que pueden afectar una situación ...
    • Nociones preliminares 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      Todo trabajo de investigación requiere de ciertos pasos ordenados y sistematizados para producir un conocimiento confiable.
    • Compresores 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      A compressor raises the pressure of a gas, vapor or a mixture of gases or vapors, these can be classified into displacement compressors and dynamic compressors and in turn this may subclassified.
    • Sistemas de Manufactura Oxicorte 

      Bravo Vargas, Salvador (2015-06-30)
      This material presents the procedure for cutting metals by oxygen-acetylene and oxygen-propane, its definition, industrial application and andvantages.
    • Técnicas de torneado 

      Bravo Vargas, Salvador (2015-06-30)
      This material presents differents techniques for turning, by means of we can machining the different kinds of cylindrical shapes.