Now showing items 1-20 of 401

    • La Entrevista de Trabajo 

      Sarmiento Vargas, Ignacio (2011)
      In this work are the basic recommendations for the development of a job interview.
    • La Ética 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011)
    • Fórmulas de los los Costos 

      Cruz Gómez, Omar (2011)
      Understanding the formulas for the collection and sorting costs.
    • Marco Teórico Conceptual 

      Ortiz González, Mónica (2011)
      The information collected for the theoretical framework will provide a thorough understanding of the theory that gives meaning to research. Taking into account the considerations necessary for the development of research ...
    • La moral 

      Morales Téllez, Raúl (2011)
    • Planeación Estratégica de Recursos Humanos 

      Sagaón Villegas, José (2011)
      A process in which decision makers clarify the central purpose of the organization, select objectives to accomplish, identify strengths and weaknesses, analyze future risks and opportunities, compare those risks with the ...
    • Planes de Reclutamiento 

      Sagaón Villegas, José (2011)
      Process to identify and interest qualified candidates to fill vacancies. The recruitment process begins and ends the search when receiving job applications. This produces a pool of applicants, which will then new employees.
    • Planes de Compensaciones 

      Sagaón Villegas, José (2011)
      The compensation (wages, salaries, benefits) is the gratification that employees receive in exchange for their work. The administration of the personnel department to ensure the satisfaction of employees, which in turn ...
    • Motivación 

      Saenz Hernandez, Rosa Oralia (2011)
      Motivation at Work
    • Patentes 

      Rodríguez Vite, Higor (2011)
      Any invention that can be reflected in a product, process, machine or novel application of these, the result of inventive activity of the human being through the transformarción of matter or energy that exists in nature, ...
    • Impuestos 

      Sánchez González, Maribel (2011)
      In this matter, the students will learn about Mexican law foundations to help theme understand different concepts as: taxes, tax report, some calculations of taxes, notifications, obligations and powers authority ver ...
    • La Cultura y su División 

      Barba Mogica, Juan Jesús (2011)
      En el siguiente trabajo se exponen los diversos tipos de cultura, así como su modificación a través del tiempo.
    • Relación Costo Unitario y Volumen de Producción 

      Cruz Gómez, Omar (2011)
      Reflect a true picture of the calculations based on unit costs and getting the output.
    • Garantías de Igualdad 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Marco Antonio (2011)
      Translates into a legal relationship between the governor and the state and its authorities on the other hand, constituting the primary content of public subjective rights that this link is derived.
    • Planeación Estratégica 

      Saenz Hernandez, Rosa Oralia (2011)
      Objectives of the Strategic Planning
    • Selección de Personal 

      Sarmiento Vargas, Ignacio (2011)
    • Enfoque de Auditoría Administrativa 

      Mendoza Olguín, Yolanda (2011)
      The paper presents a method of management audit.
    • Funciones de la Investigación de Mercados 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011)
      This theme is about the most important functions to perform a good market research so we can better understand customer needs.
    • Estudio Jurídico 

      Unknown author (2011)
      FORMA JURÍDICA DE LA EMPRESA Hay que tener en cuenta los siguientes criterios: forma de distribución del poder, el tipo de financiación, el tamaño de laempresa y el coste fiscal.
    • Estudio Económico 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Presupuestación de las inversiones. Esta actividad consiste en “cotizar” o indagar cuales son los costos o montos de capital para destinar a las inversiones.