Now showing items 1-10 of 227
Modelo OSI
During the last two decades have seen tremendous growth in the number and size of networks. Many of them however, implementations were developed using different hardware and software. As a result, many networks were ...
Modos de Direccionamiento
They are means to facilitate the programming task, allowing access to data in a natural and efficient.
These tell the processor how to calculate the absolute address (real or effective) where data is located.
Cálculo de Áreas Elementales
This paper presents a systematic technique for approximating the area of a curvilinear region using easy to calculate polygonal areas.
Sistema Numérico
This paper presents a set of rules that serve to express the numbers.
Administración de Tecnologías de Información
Each year the sales managers of large IT and telecommunications companies advertise "this time is good" for the final technological panacea that will solve the problems of any organization.
Métodos numéricos
Los métodos numéricos describen, analizan y crean algoritmos numéricos que nos permitan resolver problemas matemáticos de forma numérica, con una precisión determinada.
A filter can be a device, or even a material, that is used either to suppress or minimize signals of certain frequencies.
Unified Modeling Language
It is an abstraction of objects with similar characteristics.
For example: Ruth Martin Gonzalez and Jager have characteristics (attributes) and behavior (methods) similar, so it can be abstracted into a class called Person.
UML Concept
Unified Modeling Language
It is a communication tool or notation with its own symbols for system modeling.
It is a methodology, so it does not show the order of steps for developing OO applications.
UML is the standard ...
Requirement Concept
It consists of making a thorough assessment of business conditions, identifying, Businesss:
• The essential tasks
• Needs
• Ways to optimize or simplify
• Strengths of the current process
• Degrees of change that ...