Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Comparatives 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2017-08-31)
      During this unit the student will develop and he will also learn writing and speaking abilities which lead him to exchange personal information in a written or in a oral way.
    • Expressing Likes and Dislikes 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2020-02-25)
      Con este tema, los alumnos aprenderán a usar verbos con los que pueden expresar gustos y preferencias en dos formas diferentes.
    • Inventions and inventors 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2019-01-20)
      Along this unit the student will produce cohesive and coherent texts and speeches by emphasize facts that have happened in the present or in the past.
    • Inventions and inventors 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2019-05-30)
      Durante esta unidad el alumno producirá textos y/o composiciones coherentes y creativas, enfatizando hechos que han ocurrido en el presente y en el pasado.
    • Modal Verbs for Obligation 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2021-11-25)
      Con este tema, los alumnos aprenderán a hacer uso de verbos modales, los cuales servirán para dar comandos de obligación y consejos.
    • Past continuous 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2017-08-31)
      Along this unit the student will learn and he will develop writing and speaking abilities that they are going to lead him to write and tell a past experience as well as expressing a feeling or an emotion they experienced.
    • Personal Information 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2017-08-31)
      During this unit the student will develop and he will also learn writing and speaking abilities which lead him to exchange personal information in a written or in a oral way
    • Present passive vs Past passive 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2020-02-25)
      During this topic students will learn to use some verbs, which are going to help them to express their likes and preferences in two different ways.
    • Protecting our world 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2018-01-31)
      Durante esta unidad el alumno trabajara y desarrollara las habilidades necesarias con el idioma ingles, lo cual le permitirá hablar de acciones que estén en progreso.
    • Vos Pasiva 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2017-08-31)
      Along this unit the student will develop different abilities in order to be able to write a story by emphasizing the facts, besides he will be able to express the situations accurred which that were of a really importance.
    • Zero conditional 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2017-08-31)
      Durante esta unidad el alumno desarrollara y aprenderá habilidades comunicativas y escritas las cuales le permitirán describir y relatar la cause y efecto de acciones.