Now showing items 21-40 of 102

    • Campo eléctrico e Intensidad de campo 

      Olguín Meza, María de Jesús (2012-01)
      Students understand the importance of the study of electricity, its application in industry and its relationship to everyday life. The science of electricity originated with the observation, made by Thales of Miletus in ...
    • Unidades y mediciones 

      García Ordaz, María Irma; Vargas Nava, Margarito; Trigueros Ríos, Gerardo Felipe (2012-01)
      Measurement units, multiples and submultiples, scientific notation, conversions and practical applications.
    • Antecedentes Históricos de la Electricidad 

      Fragoso Castro, Edgar Noé (2013-07)
      Have you thought about the utility of electricity in our lives, what if you had no phone? , you would do if you could not turn on the TV?, this paper develops the history of electricity.
    • Óptica Geométrica 

      Olguín Meza, María de Jesús (2013-07)
      In physics, geometrical optics begins from the phenomenological laws of Snell and Descartes as other sources of reflection and refraction. From them, just do geometry with the light rays to obtain formulas that correspond ...
    • Espejos Esféricos y Cóncavos 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2014-01)
      Imaging is possible by crossing fundamental rays, which occur when the objects reflected in mirrors, the formed images are real, virtual, and right reversed, depending each case.
    • Electricidad y magnetismo 

      Unknown author (2014-03-25)
    • Física 

      Unknown author (2014-03-25)
      Ciencia que se encarga del estudio de los fenómenos naturales.
    • Óptica 

      Unknown author (2014-03-25)
    • Movimiento Horizontal 

      Vázquez Santos, María Guadalupe (2015-06-01)
      El gran físico Ampere dio en la segunda década del s. xix una definición de la cinemática que conserva plena vigencia: «La cinemática –dijo- debe comprender todo lo referente a las diversas clases de movimientos, ...
    • Presión Hidrostática y Principio de Pascal 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2015-06-26)
      La presión hidrostática se debe a la fuerza que ejerce un fluido sobre las paredes del recipiente que lo contiene, de tal manera que el fluido ejerce presión en forma perpendicular en todas las paredes del recipiente, como ...
    • Óptica y física moderna 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2015-06-26)
      La presión hidrostática se debe a la fuerza que ejerce un fluido sobre las paredes del recipiente que lo contiene, de tal manera que el fluido ejerce presión en forma perpendicular en todas las paredes del recipiente, como ...
    • Óptica y Física Moderna (Clasificación de la Óptica) 

      Herrerías Peralta, José Rodolfo (2016-01-01)
      Optics is the branch of physics that studies the light, its nature and its phenomena. For this purpose, it is classified in three ways for study: geometrical optics, physical optics and quantum optics.
    • Introducción a los Vectores 

      Vértíz Aguirre, Ernestina (2016-01-01)
      En física un vector nos ayuda a representar magnitudes tales como: velocidad, aceleración, fuerza, peso, etc. Se representa por un segmento orientado para denotar su sentido, dirección, magnitud y el punto de donde parte.
    • Clasificación de Ondas 

      Olguín Meza, María de Jesús (2016-01-31)
      Optics and modern physics is important. It helps us to analyse the fenoms of reflection and refraction known as the images in the from lenses and mirrors.
    • Sistema de vectores 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2016-01-31)
      What does a un appraiser to issue verdict in a car accident ? , Do you think need to apply Vector Systems During its verdict road crash ? , In Daily Life We go along with the United Nations system including vector coordinates ...
    • Problemas de Cinemática 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2016-01-31)
      kinematics of the mechanism that is responsible for the path of movement of the bodies, either on a path; horizontal, vertical, parabolic or circular.
    • Notación científica 

      Unknown author (2016-01-31)
      En la ciencia se suele tratar con cantidades muy grandes como la masa del sol (1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg) o muy pequeñas como la masa del electrón (0.00000000000000000000000000000009109 Kg). Para ...
    • Leyes de Newton 

      Vázquez Santos, María Guadalupe (2016-05-24)
      In this presentation we talk about Issac Newton made ​​contributions to humanity. In their studies and research it provides three laws and the law of universal gravitation
    • Problemas de Electromagnetismo 

      García Ordaz, María Irma (2016-05-30)
      electricity and magnetism are phenomena that are around us, after a thunderstorm can notice in the lightning, connecting our appliances, we are interacting with electricity and magnetism, so that currently depend greatly ...