Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Concepto de leer 

      Salinas González, Regina María Dolores (2012-01)
      These slides contain the concept of reading and a mind map of the tasks we have to do before reading.
    • Conocimientos básicos de lectura 

      González Ledesma, Laura (2014-01)
      Reading is a process that mainly involves two aspects such as: Visual perception and mental understanding of what you have read, through this presentation we will identify the necessary aspects for a good reading.
    • Efectos de la comunicación 

      Mota Flores, Ma. Esther (2015-07-01)
    • Estilos periodísticos 

      Valdez Fuentes, Verónica (2014-03-25)
      Journalistic put students in touch with reality, either a formal style or humorous, more or less deep. This identifying different structures of a text.
    • Estrategia de Lectura 

      Solís Sibrián, Guadalupe (2011)
      This is the procedure and / or skills to comprehend text and apply the information Process knowledge that enables man to enhance their intellectual on a given topic.
    • Hacía una lectura eficiente 

      Salinas González, Regina María Dolores (2014-01)
      The student will identify the process read and reading, he will learn who have a good reading and he will identify the reading steps
    • Lectura en voz alta 

      Salinas González, Regina María Dolores (2014-01)
      The student will learn to read aloud, he´ll identify and he´ll read correctly.
    • Lenguaje, lengua y habla 

      Soberanes Rivas, Lucía Teresa (2013-07)
      These slides discuss the concepts of language, types of language, idiom, speech and speech styles.
    • Material didáctico de español II 

      Bautista Martínez, Marisol (2015-07-01)
    • Ramas de la lingüística 

      Baños Rebolledo, Verenice (2014-11-07)
      La ciencia de la lengua es la lingüística, que estudia la organización y características de una lengua.
    • Redacción 

      Espinoza Lozano, María Soledad (2014-11-07)
      Como bien sabemos, los seres humanos nos comunicamos y aprendemos a comunicarnos de diversas formas, pero, sin duda, el lenguaje es el medio que más utilizamos para interrelacionarnos.  Esta interrelación -lingüística- se ...
    • Súper Fórmula de la Lectura 

      Vargas González, Margarita (2011)
    • Vicios del Lenguaje 

      Alfaro Morales, Claudia (2012-01)
      Students will be able to analyze common writing errors and mistakes to correct language accurately, using semantics to maximize their speaking and writing