Los procesos de socialización
La exposición que a continuación se presenta
tiene el objetivo reflexionar sobre los procesos
de socialización (primario y secundario).
• The exhibition that is presented below aims to
reflect on the processes of socialization
(primary and secondary).
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Para qué sirve la orientación vocacional
Ontiveros Olvera, Aurora Guadalupe (2014-01)The purpose of the vocational guidance at the high school level, aims to prosecute young people to make the best decision about the race going to study. This requires to use as support tools a vocational test to know their ... -
Introducción a la antropología folosófica
García, David (2015-07-01) -
Antropología Filosófica. Concepto de Hombre
Machorro Cabello, Miguel Ángel (2014-03-25)The essence of man is studied by philosophical anthropology. This discipline covers the whole man because it relies on its historical development and cultural evolution. The man is the essence of knowledge and social ...