Now showing items 1061-1080 of 1941

    • Constructores en C++ 

      Castillo Pérez, Iliana (2014-03-28)
      In this document is shown the constructor description as a mechanism to ensure objects whit valid values or without invalid values. Also, the general syntax, a declaration example and a practical example are presented ...
    • Conceptos Básicos de Lenguajes Formales 

      Pérez Pérez, Isaías (2014-03-28)
      This paper addresses fundamental manner the basic concepts of formal languages, basic concepts for the understanding of the various issues addressed in the theory of computation.
    • Aplicaciones de las gráficas por computadora 

      Vera Carranza, Ma. del Carmen (2014-03-28)
      On Computers graphics there are several graphs uses, for example, to represent the behavior according the data provided and so make decisions, to make editable designs, create artworks representations, among others. The ...
    • Métodos de Ordenación Básicos 

      Martínez Juárez, Fabiola (2014-03-28)
      This presentation outlines the basic sorting methods: selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort. The approach, an example and an overview of the algorithm is presented for each one of them.
    • Identificación de los elementos de un modelo de objetos 

      Vera carranza, Ma. del Carmen; Islas Hernández, Luis (2014-03-28)
      When a system information is necessary to consider the following general steps: Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance. When we treat an object-oriented system that task should be performed with ...
    • Microprocesadores (Fabricación de los microprocesadores) 

      Pérez Pérez, Isaías (2013-12)
      This paper identifies some of the major manufacturers of chips used in microcomputer-besides the most relevant aspects of their construction are addressed: from the raw material used, the general conditions for manufacturing ...
    • Programación Orientada a Objetos (Clases en C++) 

      Castillo Pérez, Iliana (2013-12)
      Object Oriented Programing (OOP) is a paradigm of programming that focuses on built classes and objects or instances. Classes define types of data structures and the functions that operate on those data structures. Instances ...
    • Memorias del Primer Coloquio Internacional de Computación y Sistemas Inteligentes 

      López Morales, Virgilio; Lara Ordaz, Herbert; Hernández Romero, Humberto; Miranda Casasola, Fredy; Vega Cano, Yolanda; Ruíz Vega, Nancy; Solis Galindo, Alonso Ernesto; Ortega Mena, Alejandro; Lezama León, Evangelina; González Islas, Juan Carlos; Quezada Quezada, José Carlos; Flores García, Ernesto; Bolaños Rodríguez, Ernesto; Pérez Rojas, Aurora; Coello Galindo, Luis Rodolfo; Ramírez Corona, E. G.; Sánchez Zapién, Manuel Ashley; Pérez Brito, S. I.; Pérez Rojas, Aurora; Domínguez Ramírez, Omar Arturo; Vélez Díaz, Daniel; Moreno Gutiérrez, Silvia Soledad; Fuentes Penna, Alejandro (2013)
    • Seguridad en Redes 

      Coello Galindo, Luis Rodolfo (2013-07)
      The network security comprises an area of interest in the world of information technology and computing. That´s why it is important to know the functioning of the different methods and algorithms implemented nowadays, ...
    • Listas ligadas 

      Acuña Galván, Israel (2013-07)
      This presentation is an introduction to data structure linked list, it enumerates some applications, classification, describes a double linked node and mentions principal operations.
    • Método Quine - McCluskey 

      Solis Galindo, Alonso Ernesto (2013-07)
      To the digital design is important to use techniques or methods to reduce in size and in the number of electronic elements for the electronic circuits construction. The Quine - McCluskey method allows do that with circuits ...
    • Problemas de valor inicial 

      Cureño Herrera, Jorge Luis (2013-07)
      When modeling problems in science, engineering and economics are ordinary differential equations frequently. An ordinary differential equation (ODE hereafter) is a relationship between an independent variable and a ...
    • Desarrollo sustentable 

      Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra (2013-07)
      This paper analyzes the concept and characteristics of sustainable development as well as the different dimensions and actors involved in the process.
    • Matrix Completion Problem 

      Guillén Morales, Jhovany (2012)
    • Pruebas de usabilidad y diseño Web 

      Cázares Pérez, Carlos Andrés (2012)
      La integración de la usabilidad al proceso de desarrollo de un portal Web es muy importante para brindar una clara visión en aspectos de calidad tanto a los desarrolladores como los usuarios de prueba. El uso de pruebas ...
    • La reutilización de software en Grails Framework 

      Cázares Pérez, Carlos Andrés (2012)
      El desarrollo de proyectos de software demanda el uso de herramientas de programación que apoyen a los arquitectos de aplicaciones en la atención de las limitantes de tiempo y costos. Sin poner en riesgo la calidad del ...
    • Desarrollo Web con Grails Framework 

      García Granados, Alejandro (2012)
      Una de las tendencias actuales del desarrollo Web es la necesidad de tener un incremento en la productividad de los equipo de trabajo, mediante la reutilización de código para buscar reducir los tiempos de desarrollo ...
    • Desarrollo Ágil de Aplicaciones Web con Grails Framework. Caso de estudio: PROMEP-UAEH 

      García Granados, Alejandro (2012-01)
      En   la  Parte   1  del   presente   trabajo   se   introduce   al   lector   en   el  panorama general de la temática planteada en el documento. En  el  Capítulo  1  se da una  introducción  al  contexto histórico ...
    • Cálculo Diferencial e Integral 

      Muñoz Sánchez, Yira (2013-01)
      This material presents concepts and examples about topics as limits and rates of change. These are necessary in differential and integral calculus.
    • Introducción a la Estadística. 

      Samperio Pacheco, Víctor Manuel; Pérez Olguín, Nubia Belzabet; Zuñiga Mera, Alma Delia; Hernández Serrano, Mariano; Domínguez Narváez, Joel Alejandro (2011-07)
      In this presentation will be released in a general way, important aspects of statistic, classification and basic concepts such as population, sample, variables, frequency, diagrams.