Now showing items 701-720 of 1941

    • Diagrama de cuerpo libre 

      Juárez Ramírez, Tomas (2015-07-01)
      En la practica, un problema de Ingeniería Mecánica se deriva de una situación física real. Un esquema que muestra las condiciones físicas del problema se conoce como diagrama espacial. Los métodos de análisis anteriores ...
    • Talking about past events 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-07-01)
      When we exchange ideas about past events it is sometimes necesssary to give extra details. Then the use of some linking words helps us to express our ideas in a more fluent and coherent way.
    • Confiabilidad basada en mantenimiento 

      Lozano Rodríguez, Julio Cesar (2015-07-01)
      Desde una perspectiva industrial, existen equipos y materiales mas importantes que otros pues propician paros de producción y por lo tanto pedidas económicas, con lo cual es importante que el personal de mantenimiento ...
    • Principios básicos de metrología dimensional 

      Barrera Ordaz, Silvestre (2015-07-01)
      Metrology is the science that treats about the measurements, about the systems of units and the instruments used to carry out and to interpret them. It includes several fields, such as the thermal, electrical, acoustic,  ...
    • El valor del dinero a través del tiempo 

      Baeza Ramírez, Martín Eduardo (2015-07-01)
    • Inteligencia Artificial 

      Sánchez Espinoza, Jaqueline (2015-06-01)
      Artificial intelligence is one that attempts to explain mental functioning based on the development of algorithms to control different things. Artificial intelligence combines several fields such as robotics, expert systems ...
    • Átomo 

      Báez Hernández, Nayeli Sarai (2015-08-01)
    • Modelado del Problema de Transporte a través de una herramienta computacional 

      Santana Robles, Francisca (2015-07-01)
      In a transportation problem, we have certain origins, which may represent factories where we produce items and supply a required quantity of the products to a certain number of destinations. Our objective is to find the ...
    • Proceso de alto horno 

      Bravo Vargas, Salvador (2015-07-01)
      A blast furnace is a basic element and fundamental in the iron and steel industry, it is used to transform raw materials in molten iron.
    • Método de suma y resta 

      Montiel Hernández, Justo Fabian (2015-07-01)
      Is named system of simultaneous equations, to those equalities where the values of the variables are the same, ie they have common solutions. Resolve them is to find the taken value by each of the variables so that they ...
    • Ecuaciones lineales 

      Fernández Aguilar, Luis Gerardo (2015-07-01)
      An equation is an equality where at least there is an unknown number, called unknown or variable, and that is true for certain numerical value of the unknown. They are called linear equations or first-degree algebraic ...
    • Vectores 

      Barrera Ordaz, Silvestre (2015-07-01)
      Unit vectors are dimensionless vectors having a magnitud of 1. Unit vector are used to specify a given direction and have no other physical significance. They are used only in describing a direction in space. We shall use ...
    • Amplificador Operacional y S.C.R. 

      Fernández, Juan Carlos (2015-08-01)
      When the operational amplifier is connected to resistors and capacitors, various configurations of amplifier circuits are obtained. They describe and analyzes various forms of useful amplifier circuits. The response of ...
    • Pasos de la investigación 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-07-01)
      La elaboración de un trabajo de investigación debe llevar un proceso para su construcción, el cual va desde la elección del tema hasta su presentación.
    • Past simple tense 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-07-01)
      We are going to use Pasr Simple Tense for actions that start and finish in the past.
    • Evaluación Ambiental caracterización de agua contaminada 

      Pérez Sánchez, Blasa (2015-07-01)
    • Sistema de ecuaciones lineales 

      Mohedano Juárez, Ma. Rafaela (2015-07-01)
    • Hábitos de estudio 

      Rodríguez León, Rocío (2015-07-01)
    • Sueldos y Salarios 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2015-07-01)
    • Método de estudio 

      Rodríguez León, Rocío (2015-07-01)