Now showing items 181-200 of 353

    • JAPIEST: An integral intelligent system for the diagnosis and control of tomatoes diseases and pests in hydroponic greenhouses 

      López Morales, Virgilio (2008)
      Automated Hydroponic Greenhouses represent novel food production systems which include modules for supervising the cultivated soil, packaging plans, as well as prevention, diagnosis and control of pests and diseases. In ...
    • JAPIEST: An integral intelligent system for the diagnosis and control of tomatoes diseases and pests in hydroponic greenhouses 

      López Ortega, Omar (2008)
      Automated Hydroponic Greenhouses represent novel food production systems which include modules for supervising the cultivated soil, packaging plans, as well as prevention, diagnosis and control of pests and diseases. In ...
    • Java Fuzzy Kit (JFK): A shell to build fuzzy inference systems according to the generalized principle of extension 

      López Ortega, Omar (2008)
      In this article the author presents JFK, which stands for Java Fuzzy Kit. JFK is an Application Programming Interface (API) that complies with both, a general structure of a fuzzy rule base and the necessary processing to ...
    • Jerarquía de Memoria 

      Hernández Palacios, Raúl (2011)
      In a computer system is required to rank the memory spaces for better management of the operating system, for that reason this paper has designed a material is disclosed where the disinter available memory space in a system.
    • Lenguaje Estructurado de Consulta SQL 

      Hernández Coca, Guadalupe (2011-07)
      This presentation shows as this integrated the basic structure of a consultation SQL that allows conducting operations on Base de Datos.
    • Lenguajes de Programación Orientada a Objetos 

      Hernández Garnica, Elizabeth (2018-05-01)
      Que es un lenguaje y cómo se realiza la interpretación bajo un ordenador
    • Leyes de los Exponentes 

      Sifuentes Carrillo, Roxana (2017-08-31)
      Exponents are a way of expressing the multiplication of an expression by itself a certain number of times. When evaluating and simplifying exponents, we use the Laws of Exponents, a series of rules that help us find ...
    • Liderazgo y Desarrollo Empresarial 

      Arguelles Pascual, Virginia (2011-07)
      This work is aimed at all those entrepreneurs who wish to start with a business plan, here are a guide that will help the development.
    • Linear quadratic Suboptimal control for time delay systems 

      Santos Sánchez, Omar Jacobo (2009)
    • Listas ligadas 

      Acuña Galván, Israel (2013-07)
      This presentation is an introduction to data structure linked list, it enumerates some applications, classification, describes a double linked node and mentions principal operations.
    • Lists 

      Unknown author (2017-01-31)
      We define a list to be a finite, ordered sequence of data items known as elements.
    • Límites 

      Unknown author (2017-01-31)
    • Llamadas por referencia 

      Unknown author (2017-01-31)
      Existen dos formas de pasar valores a una función: llamada por valor (En C solo se realizan llamadas por valor) y llamada por referencia (En C se pueden simular llamadas por referencia).
    • Lógica Bianria, Función OR 

      Hernández Hernández, Rodolfo (2011-07)
      This work focuses on the theme of disjunction with their equivalent in Boolean algebra for building digital circuits and the analysis of binary signals.
    • Lógica Binaria, Función AND 

      Hernández Hernández, Rodolfo (2011-07)
      This work focuses on the theme of the conjunction but with logic gates, it will show the equivalence existing in traditional logic with binary logic.
    • Making Suggestions. 

      Cruz Bautista, Elizabeth (2011-07)
      This presentation is about the topic “Making suggestions”. It contains the language to follow, some examples and exercises as well.
    • Manipulación de hechos en CLIPS 

      Núñez Cárdenas, Felipe de Jesús (2015)
      Se hace una descripción de la implementación de hechos en lenguaje de programación CLIPS, su representación interna, las operaciones básicas que se pueden hacer sobre los hechos: agregar, modificar, eliminar y hacer consultas ...
    • Manipulación de hechos en CLIPS. 

      Tomás Mariano, Víctor Tomás (2015)
      Se hace una descripción de la implementación de hechos en lenguaje de programación CLIPS, su representación interna, las operaciones básicas que se pueden hacer sobre los hechos: agregar, modificar, eliminar y hacer consultas ...
    • Mapa Auto Organizados 

      Tomás Mariano, Víctor Tomás (2011-07)
      It describes the characteristics of self-organizing maps, the learning rule, the training algorithm, in order to solve classification problems.
    • Marco regulatorio de la ciencia y la tecnología 

      BARRANCO MENDOZA, Joselyn (2018-04-01)
      La falta de coordinación entre los actores relacionados con el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología y el sector empresarial provoca un rezago en el mercado global del conocimiento.