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The care of elderly with Alzheimer’s disease
(2022-06-13)According to the Alzheimer’s Association (2016), Alzheimer’s is a physical disease that affects the brain and it is a form of dementia. It was named after the doctor who first described it in 1906, Alois Alzheimer. There ... -
Information and Communication Technologies in the Care of the Elderly: Systematic review of applications aimed at patients with dementia and caregivers.
(2016)Background: The interest in applying information and communications technology (ICT) in older adult health care is frequently promoted by the increasing and unsustainable costs of health care services. In turn, the ... -
Bizarreness and emotion identification in Grete Stern photomontages: gender and age disparities.
(2017)Although the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) is used to evaluate emotions (valence, arousal, and dominance evoked by a large set of photographs), bizarre images in works of art have not been assessed with the ... -
Neurophenomenology?s Epistemological Locus and the Need to Consider Its Primitive Sources: Internal Processing and Development. Peer Commentary on Solomonova and Sha´s, Exploring the Depth of Dream Experience. The Enactive Framework and Methods for Neurophenomenological Research.
(2016)Neurophenomenology requires a first-person report at the subpersonal level. Thus, the neurophenomenology of dreaming and sleep can be figuratively located in a model of perspectives and levels of analysis. Even when ... -
Training primary caregivers of dependent people through the use of ICT.
(2016)Abstract ? Life expectancy has increased in most industrialized countries and the number of older adults is projected to grow. Older people have a high prevalence of chronic mental and physical Non-communicable diseases ... -
Sexual Differences in the Emotional Evaluation of Works of Art in Old Adults.
(2016)Background: Ratings of emotion in works of art including abstract ones have been found to be influenced by color, form and texture and follow consistent patterns among subjects. The International Affective Picture System ... -
Analysis of Neuropsychological Tests and functions to Diagnose Mild Cognitive Impairment in México.
(2016)Background: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be defined as a loss of subjective or objective psychological processes, in general, of memory, in an independent individual. MCI is a syndrome that possesses four subtypes: ... -
Un recorrido por la dulce historia de la diabetes.
(2013)Los conceptos de salud y enfermedad se han visto modificados a lo largo de la historia y a través de los velos culturales que los manejen. Han sido construidos a partir de la historia misma de la humanidad. La medicina que ... -
Mas allá de los huehues: la construcción social de la vejez.
(2013)En la historia general, la etapa de vida a la que refiere el presente trabajo implica una serie de elementos constructivos de la identidad, por ejemplo, la edad, en sentido sociológico, se adquiere a partir de los elementos ... -
Enfermedad y hospitales de la ciudad de México, siglo XVIII. Notas para la construcción de una salud pública.
(2012)La medicina novohispana del siglo XVIII permitió un auge en los aspectos económico, científico y cultural. El siglo XVIII fue testigo de trnsformaciones administartivas que permitieron la implementacion de politicas públicas ... -
El cuidado en el adulto mayor. La aplicación del modelo de atención social individualizado
(2013)El antecedente histórico de la solidaridad social, se encuentra asociado a múltiples manifestaciones: primero en la época de la antigüedad de ayuda al necesitado, luego al socorro de los pobres prestado a través de las ...