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Cause and effect of Covid-19 pandemic on university students
(2021-06-28)As a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic, universities across Mexico have closed their campuses, forcing students to leave their campus community, friends, classes, and familiar routines. Coursework was quickly transitioned ... -
Adaptaciones celulares
(2017-01-01)This topic is addressed in the subject of higher level pathology in the degree of dentistry, the subject we are addressing is responsible for explaining the different lesions of the cell and its adaptations that has the cell. -
Componentes del Sistema Masticatorio
(2017-01-01)El Sistema masticatorio/estomatognático, desempeña funciones importantes para la sobrevivencia y comunicación del individuo., la masticación es la fase inicial del proceso digestivo. Los dientes ejercen diversas funciones ... -
Socioeconomic, sociodemographic, and clinical variables associated with root caries in a group of persons age 60 years and older in México
(2012)"Aim: To determine the prevalence of root caries and the root caries index in a population of older Mexicans, and its relationship to socioeconomic, sociodemographic and dental factors. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional ... -
Pérdida de dientes y variables del estado periodontal asociadas en hombres policías adultos
(2010)Objective: Identify the variables associated with periodontal status and tooth loss among a sample of adults. Materials and Methods: We carried out a corss-sectional study among 161 policemen. Our sample was representative ... -
Caracterización epidemiológica del labio y/o paladar hendido no sindrómico.
(2009)Objective: to describe sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics of patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P). Material and Methods: A cross sectional study with patients from 0-12 years old with ... -
Gingival recession and associated factors in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population: A cross-sectional study
(2012)"Background: Diverse variables are implicated in the pathogenesis of gingival recession; more detailed knowledge about the relationship between the clinical presentation of gingival recession and assorted risk indicators ... -
Lesiones cariosas reversibles e irreversibles en escolares mexicanos de 11 y 12 años de edad: un análisis de regresi{on binomial negativa
(2013)"Introducción. La caries dental es una de las enfermedades crónicas infantiles más frecuentes. En México es un problema de salud pública bucal. Objetivo. Identificar las variables asociadas a la presencia de caries (lesiones ... -
Desigualdades socioeconómicas en salud bucal. Factores asociados a la frecuencia de cepillado dental en escolares nicaragüenses
(2009)Objective. To identify the association between tooth brushing frequency and variables of socioeconomic position in Nicaraguan schoolchildren. Material and Methods. A cross sectional study was undertaken in 1353 schoolchildren ... -
Confirmation of symmetrical distributionsof clinical attachment loss and tooth loss in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population
(2010)Purpose: To ascertain whether or not clinical attachment loss and tooth loss are present with similar severity and prevalence across the two sides of the mouth in a homogeneous sample of urban male adults. Materials and ... -
Maternal characteristics and treatment neds as predictors of dental health services utilisation among Mexican school children
(2012)"Aim To determine whether maternal characteristics and treatment needs are associated with dental health services utilization (DHSU) in school children. Material and methods A cross-sectional study in 1373 school children ... -
Conceptos Bioéticos de la Investigación en Odontología
(2011)La investigación, como una serie de acciones para generar conocimiento, no es por si sola una razón para dejar a un lado los preceptos éticos que deben regir las acciones del ser humano, el cómo llegar a este conocimiento, ... -
Control de infecciones
(2011-01) -
Caries radicular asociado a factores como enfermedad periodontal
(2011-01)La prevalencia de caries radicular aumenta con la edad y es una causa importante de edentulismo. -
Prostodoncia Total
(2011) -
Efecto de la energía de polimerización sobre la sorción acuosa y solubilidad en composites envejecidos por UV
(2011)The chemical degradation of the organic matrix favored by water sorption and solubility affects the physical and mechanical properties of dental resin composites and could commit the restoration longevity. The objective ... -
Efecto de la energía de polimerización sobre la resistencia flexural y módulo elástico, en composites envejecidos por UV
(2011)The effect of the energy density on the immediate mechanical properties of composites is well known; although the relationship, between energy density and the time of degradation by UV, on flexural strength and elastic ... -
Relación de la energía de polimerización y Degradación por UV, sobre el grado de conversión en composites
(2011-01)The degree of conversion (DC) is directly related with the physical and mechanical properties that allow a successful restorative treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the energy density, on ... -
Morfología superficial en resinas compuestas sometidas a envejecimiento acelerado
(2007-06)In dentistry, the effectiveness of degradation in dental composite has been proven using weathering chamber; it combines variables as the UV radiation and temperature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ...