Now showing items 1-20 of 35

    • Actividades Lúdicas 

      Castillo Arteaga, María Guadalupe (2011)
      Submitted a proposal with play activities to initiate to students in subjects of Mathematics.
    • Álgebra lineal. Ejemplos y aplicaciones 

      Viveros Rogel, Jorge (2010-06)
      1. Geometría de las transformaciones lineales 2. Grafos, digrafos y sus aplicaciones 3. Descomposición en valores singulares (DVS) 4. Tópicos para la siguiente edición de este curso.
    • Características de la Recta 

      Álvarez Martínez, Juan Adolfo (2013-11-04)
      Como ya has podido observar, existen muchos ejemplos donde la línea recta es de utilidad, y uno de los primeros pasos que vamos a seguir para iniciar con el estudio del tema es definir lo que es la línea recta. Una ...
    • Cálculo Diferencial 

      Muñoz Herrerías, Oscar Agustín (2011)
      To properly use a formula is necessary to understand the origin of it, is explain why the development of this formula.
    • Círculo Geométrico 

      Soto Romero, Juan Carlos (2011)
      Que el alumno conozca la diferencia entre círculo y circunferencia, así como los elementos de esta figura, para que identifique el espacio geométrico como base de innumerables aplicaciones como la elaboración de espejos.
    • Conceptos Básicos de Geometría y Trigonometría 

      Melchor Aguilar, Lilia (2013-07)
      This presentation shows material that allows understand basics concepts of geometry and trigonometry.
    • Coordenadas rectangulares y polares 

      Pérez Zárate, Juana Inés (2012-01)
      These slides present a short introduction to analytic geometry. Concepts about absolute value, directed distance, rectangular and polar coordinates, distance between two points, division of a segment in a given rate, ...
    • La Derivada 

      López Vargas, Nora Juana (2011)
      This material helps us to understand the concept of derivative, and the behavior of this in the graph, just as a block of simple exercises derived.
    • Determinantes 

      Sifuentes Carrillo, Roxana (2011-07)
      A determinant is mathematical notation consists of a square table of numbers, or others elements between two vertical lines, the expression value is calculated by following certain rules development
    • Ecuaciones Cuadráticas 

      Cornejo Arteaga, Paz María de Lourdes (2013-07)
      Solving Quadratic Equations by the Method of Application of General Formula.
    • Ecuaciones Simultáneas 

      Herrerea González, José Enrique (2011)
      Método gráfico Ecuaciones simultáneas Tipos de variables Tabulador
    • Ecuaciones Simultáneas Método Gráfico 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Expresiones Agebráicas 

      Islas Mejía, Víctor Manuel (2013-07)
      An algebraic expression is a combination of numbers and letters related by arithmetic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and empowerment. The algebraic expression consists TERMS
    • Factorización 

      Martínez Espinosa, Verónica (2011)
      Factoring is an important process for the teaching of algebra, and this presentation shows the most common cases for different algebraic expressions.
    • Fracciones Parciales 

      Muñoz Herrerías, Oscar Agustín (2011)
    • Funciones f(x) 

      Reyes Cruz, Victor (2013-11-08)
    • Funciones Trigonométricas 

      Cornejo Arteaga, Paz María de Lourdes (2012-01)
      The trigonometric functions of special angles are a relevant topic in the subject of Trigonometry because often addressed in the different content areas and their relation to the different branches. There is a link on the ...
    • Funciones(Cálculo diferencial) 

      Martínez Espinosa, Verónica (2011)
      A mathematical function is a relationship in which each domain element corresponds to one and only one element of the range.
    • Gráficas de las funciones trigonometricas 

      Pérez Zárate, Juana Inés (2013-07)
      Through this activity is achieved cognition about deponent trigonometric applications and their social environment.
    • Integración por partes 

      Muñoz Herrerías, Oscar Agustín (2011)
      This method is used when he made ordinary can not be integrated and must be our integral is a product of a function (u), the derivative of another function (dv).