Now showing items 1-20 of 34

    • Adherencia terapéutica 

      Rodrígez Contreras, Verónica (2011)
      El alumno podrá analizar los componentes y factores de riesgo para la salud y las cogniciones acerca de la salud-enfermedad.
    • Aprendizaje 

      Sierra Guzmán, Martha Patricia (2012-01)
      Learning allows behavior modification and humans act differently to the events that happen. This section illustrates various ways of learning, through classical and operant conditioning, vicarious learning and meaningful.
    • Aspectos generales de la prevención de adicciones 

      Corzo Salazar, Ciro (2014-01)
      In this course the student will learn to identify the characteristics of adolescents, their differences, changes in their physical, psychological personality, internal and external changes
    • Ciencia y Enfoque Científico 

      Romero Palencia, Angélica (2011-07)
      This topic will review the general concept of Science and the scientific approach. Ranging from common sense, the characteristics of science, methods of knowledge, views, functions and purpose of science and the ...
    • Conducta colectiva y movimientos sociales 

      Hurtado Arriaga, Gerardo (2011)
      El alumno conocerá las teorías de la conducta colectiva, (clásica y contemporánea) así como los procesos que conforman los movimientos sociales en México y en el mundo.
    • Constelaciones Familiares 

      Escobar Torres, Jorge Gonzalo (2011)
      In the family constellation, the consultants representing or 'constellate' the internal image of their family of origin or family present, a particular problem in their personal life, the elements of that family system ...
    • Definición de Frustración y Conflicto 

      Rodríguez Romero, Blanca Deyanira (2014-11-07)
      Los conflictos son parte de la naturaleza humana , se sufren conflictos con uno mismo y con los demás, debemos prepararnos y enfrentarlos para tener resultados positivos.
    • Desarrollo de la Psicología 

      Rodríguez Romero, Blanca Deyanira (2015-07-01)
      Proceso cognoscitivo que permite interpretar y comprender el entorno, selecciona y organiza estímulos del ambiente para proporcionar experiencias significativas a quien los experimenta. La percepción incluye la búsqueda ...
    • Desarrollo Histórico 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Elementos Metodológicos de un Manuscrito Científico 

      Romero Ramírez, Mucio Alejandro (2011)
      The identification of methodological elements in a scientific manuscript is of vital importance for the understanding and reasoning of the information that the student will learn of the psychological discipline. The ...
    • Escuelas de la Psicología - Época Contemporánea 

      Nolasco del Ángel, María de la Luz (2011)
      In the first concept map is a summary chart of schools of psychology of the contemporary era, such as psychodynamic psychology, behavioral psychology, Gestalt psychology, cognitive psychology and psychology humanist. El ...
    • Etapa Científica 

      Nolasco del Ángel, María de la Luz (2011)
      In 1879 he created the first experimental psychology laboratory which gave rise to consider psychology as a scientific stage science of psychology there are two major schools: structuralism and functionalism, which are ...
    • Evaluación Psicofisiológica con Retroalimentación Biológica (RAB) 

      Guzmán Saldaña, Rebeca María Elena (2011)
      The present class reviews areas which have hindered biofeedback progress during the past decade and should be addressed by future research. First, the possible theories of psychophysiological response disregulation ...
    • Expresión de las emociones 

      Rodríguez Romero, Blanca Deyanira (2016-01-31)
      The study of emotions dates back to 1872, when Charles Darwin published Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, which fulfill a social function and allow the survival of the species.
    • Habilidades cognitivas 

      González Fernández, María Eugenia (2013-11-06)
    • Infancia 

      González Ledesma, Laura (2013-07)
      The following class is intended to inform the characteristics and stages of Childhood.
    • Intervención psicoeducativa en adolescentes 

      García Cruz, Rubén (2011)
      El programa se encuentra integrado al grupo de investigación sobre evaluación e intervención en salud en contextos educativos. Obedecen a la línea de investigación sobre Educación Emocional y Aprendizaje. Pretende ...
    • Introducción a la psicología 

      Cruz Ortíz, María Teresa (2012-01)
      Psychology as a science studying the mental processes and behavior. The word comes from the Greek psyche, soul and logos, treaty, science. Literally means science of the soul. That's why psychology as a science has a short ...
    • Introducción al Estudio de la Sexualidad Humana 

      Rivera Guerrero, Ana María (2011)
      The presentation is the introductory course "Theory of Gender and Sexuality" taught in the academic field of Psychology Institute of Health Sciences at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State. January-June 2011.
    • El lado oscuro del noviazgo: temas de investigación 

      García Meraz, Melissa (2011)
      In order to show the most important research and findings in the area of the interpersonal research, the paper shows the relation between sexual coercion, courtship violence and traditional roles during a date. The object ...