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dc.contributor.authorFernández Martínez, Tomas Eduardoes
dc.identifier.citationPonce-Monter, H., Ortiz, Mario I., Fernández-Martínez, E., Soria-Jasso L.E., Téllez-Téllez, G., Martínez-Corona, M., González-Ramírez, P., Romero-Quezada, L.C., Veras-Godoy, H.A. (2013). Prevalence, impact and treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in workers of an academic and research institute. Mexican Journal of Medical Research,
dc.description.abstractDysmenorrhea is one of the cyclical processes in chronic pelvic pain. Dysmenorrhea in women causes a high psychosocial and economic impact. For this reason, we conducted a study to assess the prevalence, impact and use of drugs for the treatment of dysmenorrhea among workers of an Educational and Research Institute. A prevalence of dysmenorrhea of 57.2% was found. About a half (49.4%) of women with dysmenorrhea reported that it limited their daily activities in 4.1 ± 2.4 cycles per year. 29.3% reported absenteeism by at least 2.7 ± 1.4 (range 1-5) cycles per year. Of the women with dysmenorrhea, only 34.9% consulted a doctor and the most prescribed drugs were over the counter medications with metamizol and butylscopolamine (25.0%), another medicine with paracetamol, pamabrom and pyrilamine (Syncol®, 16.7%) naproxen (12.5%) and mefenamic acid (12.5%). On the other hand, self-medication was practiced by 54.2% of women with dysmenorrhea and the most used drugs were Syncol® (28.9%), naproxen (17.8%), metamizol with butylscopolamine (13.3%) and dipyrone (6.7%). Our data suggest a significant prevalence of primary dysmenorrhea and dysmenorrheic women used many drugs for self-medication, but rarely come to medical
dc.subjectFarmacología de la Reproducción y Analgesia inducida por neuroesteroides y AINESes
dc.titlePrevalence, impact and treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in workers of an academic and research

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