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Zero Conditional in English
(2024-06-30)With the following information, all of you will learn how t o use the zero conditional in English and you will be able t o create sentences that express something which is consi dered as a general truth. Just remember ... -
Learning the English alphabet
(2024-07-31)Learning the English alphabet may seem something pretty simple. In fact, with the right method, it is quickly to remember the entire English alphabet with out getting confused. -
How to introduce yourself in English A1
(2024-06-30)With the following power point slides, you will learn how to int roduce yourself when you speak English. Remember that when you want to start speaking English to another person you have to say certain and specific words ... -
English in Modern Life
(2024-06-30)Nowadays, the relationship between globalization and the English language is essential. For this reason, it is necessary to consolidate and expand the handling of the appropriate vocabulary. Significantly, this resource ... -
Third conditional in English
(2022-12-08)The third conditional, also called conditional type 3 is used to express the past consequence of an unrealistic, improbable action, or situation in the past. For example, if he had studied harder, he would have passed ... -
Wh- questions in English
(2022-12-08)We use English questions all the time, because if you want to interact in English you have to ask a question to somebody else. Wh- questions (also called question words) are the questions which start with wh, for ... -
How to introduce yourself in English
(2021-10-01)With the following power point slides, you will learn how to introduce yourself when you speak English. Remember that when you want to start speaking English to another person you have to say certain and specific words to ... -
Reflexive pronouns
(2019-06-30)Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan cuando el sujeto y objeto es el mismo, o bien para enfatizar uno de estos. -
Past Perfect
(2019-06-30)On next presentation you will see a brief explanation of Past Perfect This tense is most used for the next: 1. For actions that happened before a past event 2. In reported speech 3. In if (conditional sentences Take ... -
Asking and giving directions
(2019-06-30)It is important to know the basic expressions in order to ask and give information about the location of a specific place. -
First Conditional
(2019-12-06)With the following power point slides, you will learn how to use the first conditional and also to create sentences that express something that may happen in the future. Remember that the first conditional is used to ... -
Indefinite pronouns some, any, no, every
(2018-10-01)The indefinite pronouns are those which refer to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places. They are called “indefinite” just because they do not indicate the exact object, being, or place to which they ... -
Superlatives in English.
(2018-05-01)En las siguientes diapositivas, prenderás a como usar los adjetivos para crear oraciones y formar oraciones utilizando superlativos. Palabras -
(2018-04-01)Los condicionales son oraciones con dos cláusulas - una cláusula con “If" y una cláusula principal - que están estrechamente relacionadas. Las oraciones condicionales se dividen a menudo en diferentes tipos. -
Describing someone’s personality
(2018-04-01) -
Zero, first and second conditionals
(2018-04-01) -
Skimming and scanning to improve your reading comprehension
(2018-04-01)En esta presentación se describen dos estrategias básicas para responder de manera efectiva la sección de comprensión lectora del examen de certificación TOEFL. -
Cuidado del Medio Ambiente (Presente Continuo)
(2018-04-01)People should be conscious about the importance of taking care the environment, the meditation about the actions that we are doing to contribute in the change and protection of the planet are significant. -
Conversaciones introductorias
(2018-04-01)In this presentation you will find some information which will help you to write dates in English in a correct way. -
Planear proyectos futuros
(2018-04-01)The following presentation contains some questions which can be useful to practice speaking skills, specifically, to talk about future plans or intentions.