Now showing items 87-106 of 137

    • Protecting our world 

      Leonardo Almaraz, Alan Jesus (2018-01-31)
      Durante esta unidad el alumno trabajara y desarrollara las habilidades necesarias con el idioma ingles, lo cual le permitirá hablar de acciones que estén en progreso.
    • Regular Verbs Past Pronunciation 

      Bustamante Reyes, Jose Guillermo (2022-05-26)
      Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go ...
    • Relación entre pensamiento y lenguaje 

      Alonso Serna, Dulce Karina (2019-05-30)
      Por medio de este tema conoceremos la estrecha relación que guarda el pensamiento y lenguaje; El lenguaje es el medio que usamos para expresarnos, para comunicar nuestros pensamientos y también para recibir, analizar, ...
    • Relative Clauses 

      Cid Fernandez, Karen (2018-10-01)
      Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.
    • Relative Pronouns 

      Camacho Iberri, Marcela (2015-06-01)
      A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies Realtive pronouns are used to give extra information
    • Relative Pronouns 

      Camacho Iberri, Maricela (2015-06-30)
      A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies Realtive pronouns are used to give extra information
    • Relative Pronouns 

      Cortés Fernández, Lidie Susana (2011)
    • Reportar Información Proporcionada en Presente 

      Ortega Mendoza, Katya Gabriela (2011-07)
      Understand verbal and written information provided in order to report and/or repeat it to others either orally or in writing.
    • Reported Speech 

      Cortés Fernández, Lidie Susana (2011)
      Pronouns Tenses Place and Time Expressions Examples
    • Reported Speech Statements 

      Téllez Tinoco, Nallely (2011)
    • Resiading Comprehenon Quiz 

      Martínez Martínez, Arcy L. (2020-11-18)
      Comprehension skills are the ability to use context and prior knowledge to aid reading and to make sense of what one reads and hears.
    • Rules Have to 

      Casillas Hernández, Ada Sarai (2018-10-31)
      This material will help you to identify and express “rules”. We use “Have to” to follow rules in specific places or situations such as museums, schools, entertainment places, etc.
    • Simple Present 

      Osorio Romero, Antonio de Jesús (2016-01-01)
      In this presentation we will check the use of the simple present. We learn how to use and express in third person singular an plural as well as different changes in the verb forms.
    • Simple Present 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Simple Present (2) 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Situaciones y sus antecedentes 

      Casillas Hernández, Ada Sarai (2012-01)
      It describes and helps how to write about a celebration mentioning the activities people do before, during and after this celebration. Provides an example of an event celebrated around the world and the activities they ...
    • Speaking 

      Piedra Mayorga, María del Socorro (2019-05-01)
      KET is an exam of Cambridge which shows the ability to use English to communicate in simple situations. The speaking skill is tested in two parts you will learn today.
    • Story machine: narrative tenses 

      Zamora Nava, Heidi (2022-06-25)
      Telling stories is part of our daily life and when we do it, we use the narrative tense to describe the different situations which take place in our story. Also, we use sequency and linking words to give sense to our speech.
    • Students' Daily Routine 

      Unknown author (2011)
    • Sustantivos Contables e Incontables 

      Cruz Márquez, Maricela (2015-06-01)
      Student learns language through examples, real situations and inference of structure. They establish what they learn through grammatical exercises.