Now showing items 801-820 of 1941

    • Dimensiones y unidades 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      The dimensions are basic measurement concepts, such as length, time, mass, temperature, among others. The units are the way to express the dimensions, such as feet or centimeters for length; hours or seconds for time.
    • Programación de Computadoras 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      El software especializado permite agilizar las tareas cotidianas así como reducir tiempo dentro de las industrias. La lógica binaria permite solucionar problemas identificando las variables que pueden afectar una situación ...
    • Nociones preliminares 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      Todo trabajo de investigación requiere de ciertos pasos ordenados y sistematizados para producir un conocimiento confiable.
    • Compresores 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      A compressor raises the pressure of a gas, vapor or a mixture of gases or vapors, these can be classified into displacement compressors and dynamic compressors and in turn this may subclassified.
    • Sistemas de Manufactura Oxicorte 

      Bravo Vargas, Salvador (2015-06-30)
      This material presents the procedure for cutting metals by oxygen-acetylene and oxygen-propane, its definition, industrial application and andvantages.
    • Técnicas de torneado 

      Bravo Vargas, Salvador (2015-06-30)
      This material presents differents techniques for turning, by means of we can machining the different kinds of cylindrical shapes.
    • Clasificación general de los procesos de producción 

      Barrera Ordaz, Silvestre (2015-06-30)
      Manufacturing is an important activity , but is not performed by itself . It runs as a commercial activity of companies that sell products to customers . The type of manufacturing that an enterprise develope depends on the ...
    • Concetraciones 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      The concentration of a solution expressed the amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent or solution, it is otherwise the quantitative expression of the amount of a dissolved in a certain amount of solvent ...
    • Sistemas de la calidad: ISO- 9000 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2015-06-30)
      The International Institute for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of member bodies of ISO standardization committee consists of representatives from different participating countries and Mexico through the ...
    • Introducción a los Números Complejos 

      Negrete Sepúlveda, Oscar (2015-06-30)
      El tema de los Números Complejos, es interesante por integrar la trigonometría, el álgebra y la geometría, la finalidad de los números complejos está en poder calcular las raíces enésimas de la unidad, integrando aspectos ...
    • Dominio y Propiedades de los Sistemas 

      García Pérez, Claudia (2015-06-30)
      There are differents types of systems, each one with properties, so, they need differents approaches and methodologies to study.
    • Simulación 

      González Hernández, Isidro Jesús (2015-06-30)
      To understand the reality and complexity of the operations that take place in a real system, it has been necessary to construct methods and tools to imitate (simulate) and experience the behavior of real systems. Computer ...
    • Transformadores 

      Fernández Ángeles, Juan Carlos (2015-06-30)
      Magnetism has many applications in our daily life such as in a transformer, so in the next presentation magnetism for greater understanding. Electrical transformers have been one of the most important inventions of electric ...
    • Teoría general de los sistemas 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2015-06-30)
      Impulsar el desarrollo de una terminología general que permita describir las características, funciones y comportamientos sistémicos
    • Destilación 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      Distillation is defined as the basic operation where a mixture of liquids of different volatility, into its pure components is carried out. In most cases, in vertical cylindrical columns which provide a high number of ...
    • Movimiento en una dimensión 

      Barrera Ordaz, Silvestre (2015-06-30)
      As a first step in studying classical mechanics, we describe the motion of an object while ignoring the interactions with external agents that might be affecting or modifying that motion. This portion of classical mechanics ...
    • Tipos de errores 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2015-06-30)
      By making measurements, measurements obtained are never exactly the same, even if the transfer is made by the same person on the same piece, with the same instrument, the same method and the same environment, strictly ...
    • Despliegue de la función de calidad 

      Balcázar García, José Gustavo (2015-06-30)
      Quality function deployment with its acronym QFD is a quantitative quality tool type, different industries and services used to improve products and services; The automotive industry used in the design and development of ...
    • Despliegue de la función de calidad 

      Balcázar García, José Gustavo (2015-06-30)
      (Quality function deployment with its acronym QFD is a quantitative quality tool type, different industries and services used to improve products and services; The automotive industry used in the design and development of ...
    • Daily Routines 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-06-30)
      El presente simple y acciones rutinarias son el primer tema de la unidad III que conforma el PAI (programa académico institucional) de la materia de Conversaciones Introductorias en Lengua Extranjera.