Now showing items 821-840 of 1941

    • The passive past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • Accomplishments 

      Saldaña Franquis, Manuel (2015-06-30)
      It is considered that an accomplishment is an action that started in the past, continues at the present and can be prolonged through the future.
    • Personal Information 

      Piedra Mayorga, María del Socorro (2015-06-30)
      Personal information ideas are the basis to use when you meet somebody for the first time.
    • Past Continuous 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-06-30)
      The past simple continuous is the first topic in unit II in PAI (programa académico institucional) in the subject past and Future events in a foreign language.
    • Past Simple Tense 

      Islas López, Ma. E. Guadalupe (2015-06-30)
      The past simple tense is the first topic in unit I in PAI (programa académico institucional) in the subject past and future events in a foreign language.
    • Making Comparisons 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When comparing two elements such as people, things, places, etc., it is necessary to use the comparative form of the adjective which is based on a group or rules.
    • Ley de Pascal 

      Fernández Ángeles, Juan Carlos (2015-06-30)
      Pascal's principle can be checked using a hollow sphere, perforated in different places and provided with a plunger. When filling the area with water and put pressure on it by the piston, it is observed that the water goes ...
    • Autorregulacion y Auditorías 

      Pérez Sánchez , Blasa (2015-06-30)
      Through the National Environmental Audit Program, companies voluntarily submit to an analysis of their facilities and operations with respect to pollution, the risk they can generate. Furthermore, the program checks the ...
    • Conceptos generales acerca de un proyecto 

      Balcázar García, José Gustavo (2015-06-30)
      El crecimiento de las organizaciones, vienen establecido por una visión de futuro establecido en su objetivos estratégicos, para lograrlo es necesario tener en mente conceptos importantes de lo que es un proyecto desde su ...
    • Distribución de probabilidad conjunta 

      González Hernández, Isidro Jesús (2015-06-30)
      The results of an experiment can cause multiple variables. In these situations it is required to have a probability function which describes the variation of the probability of occurrence with respect to the variation of ...
    • Uso del Simulador 

      Barrera Ordaz, Silvestre (2015-06-30)
      Intercon es un software conversacional de Centroid para Tornos que le permite crear rápidamente un programa de pieza para torneado a la derecha en el control sin tener que ser un experto en código G . Intercon le pedirá ...
    • Diseño, análisis y control de un sistema pro 

      Balcázar García, José Gustavo (2015-06-30)
      La industria cualquiera que sea su giro, debe reconocer varios factores para poder controlar su sistema productivo. El papel de control de la producción como un sistema nervioso de la empresa, debe plantear un sinnúmero ...
    • Costos Industriales 

      García Pérez, Claudia; Alcántar Hernández, María Eugenia; Baeza Ramírez Martín Eduardo (2015-06-30)
      Los costos son erogaciones que se realizan para elaborar un producto, los cuales se ejemplifican en un caso.
    • Derivación numérica. Método de diferencias divididas finitas 

      Montiel Hernández, Justo Fabian (2015-06-30)
      The numerical derivation is a numerical analysis technique to calculate an approximation to the derivative of a function of a point using the values and properties of it. Basically, in a solution of finite differences, ...
    • Las Tecnologías de Información en las organizaciones 

      García Munguía, Mónica (2015-06-30)
      The widespread use of information and communication technologies in the daily running of the organizations is widespread. Capacity definition and management of an ICT strategy in accordance with the objectives and the ...
    • Medios de transmisión 

      Mera Callejas, Guillermo (2015-06-30)
      Broadcast Media. By means of transmission, the wide acceptance of the word, which means physical material properties of electronic type, mechanical, optical, or otherwise used to facilitate the transport of information ...
    • Modelo OSI 

      García Munguía, Mónica (2015-06-30)
      One of the first theoretical issues that tend to be at the beginning of the courses of networks is the model with which have been structured in a data network transmissions, and describing the various layers that make up ...
    • ¿Qué es la Inteligencia Artificial? 

      Mera Callejas, Guillermo (2015-06-30)
      As a first task we plan to provide a definition of Artificial Intelligence. This is a very complex task. The term was coined in the Dartmouth Conference in 1956. Since then there have been proposed many different definitions, ...
    • ¿Qué es una base de datos distribuida? 

      Mera Callejas, Guillermo (2015-06-30)
      Full support for distributed data bases means that one application must be able to operate transparently on the data that are dispersed in a variety of different data bases, administered by a variety of different DBMS, ...
    • Cognitive Decline An Analysis of the Elderly Population in Isolated Regions of Mexico 

      Rodríguez Torres, Erika Elizabeth (2014)
      Worldwide studies in the last decade have measured the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly population, mainly in Australia, Europe, United States, and Canada. In Mexico, this information is very limited and the ...