Now showing items 261-280 of 576

    • Entrevista Grupal 

      Rivera López, María Isabel (2017-06-01)
      The group interview is a technique for organizational diagnosis because it allows to collect information from members groups of the organization, this information will be primarily qualitative, diagnosis is a technique ...
    • Tipos de estudio 

      Mendoza Moheno, Jessica; Aubert Hernández Calzada, Martín; Salazar Hernández, Blanca (2017-06-01)
      This presentation is part of the course Research Methods and Techniques imparted in the second semester. The different research studies are presented and analyzed: exploratory, descriptive, correlative and explanatory.
    • Axiomas de probabilidad 

      Martínez García, María Dolores (2017-05-01)
      When we make decisions there is always uncertainty, it is important to evaluate every variable involved in the situtation that we are studying. In this evaluation we use the Propability Theory in order to make decisions ...
    • Estilos de liderazgo 

      Valencia Sandoval, Karina; Duana Avila, Danae (2017-05-01)
      Tomar decisiones y lograr que los subalternos trabajen en pos de los mismos objetivos son parte de la función del líder. Existen diferentes tipos de liderazgo pero la combinación exacta dependerá en gran medida de las ...
    • Cultura y Liderazgo 

      Duana Avila, Danae; Valencia Sandoval, Karina (2017-05-01)
      El líder es una persona dotada de capacidades y herramientas para llevar a cabo tareas encomendadas por la organización en algunos casos por sus propios empleados, mostrando las diferentes relaciones que existen entre ...
    • Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente. 

      Cortes Miranda, Miguel Leonel (2017-01-01)
      The environmental science is a scientific discipline which main object of knowledge is to seek and to know the relation that maintains the human being with it self and with nature. It implies a multidiciplinary area of ...
    • Ciclo de la Capacitación 

      Valencia Sandoval, Karina (2017-01-01)
      Si bien es cierto que las empresas buscan el beneficio económico y muchos de sus objetivos están centrados en este andar, alcanzarlos implica el desarrollo y crecimiento del factor humano como una relación ganar- ganar. ...
    • El principal recurso humano del liderazgo: las personas. 

      Duana Ávila, Danae (2017-01-01)
      El liderazgo  está presente en todos los grupos humanos y animal, los líderes humanos son personas, por lo que tienen una personalidad, con rasgos fuertes y características que los hacen distintos o iguales al resto de las ...
    • Introducción al E-Business 

      Pérez Escalante, Gloria Marlene (2017-01-01)
      E-business is a new way of carrying out an entire business process, through the Information and Communication Technologies in a way that improves business processes optimizing internal and external management.
    • Conceptos Básicos de COI 

      Pérez Escalante, Gloria Marlene (2017-01-01)
      In accounting, some basic concepts such as assets, liabilities and capital are used, these same concepts are handled in the accounting system ASPEL COI; In which the concepts accrued accounts and detail accounts are also ...
    • Clasificación de Activo y Pasivo 

      Pérez Escalante, Gloria Marlene (2017-01-01)
      The elements that make up a Balance Sheet are duly organized and classified to give gacility to reading and understanding the information in such a way that the training and evaluation of the organization in terms of its ...
    • Introducción a la estadística 

      Salazar Hernández, Blanca Cecilia; Martínez García, María Dolores (2016-07-01)
      Statistics is a very useful tool for us, in every activity in life, we usually need information and data for taking intelligent decisions, and statistics give us the opportunity to do so. First we need to know some basics ...
    • Distribución de frecuencias 

      Martínez García, María Dolores; Salazar Hernández, Blanca Cecilia (2016-07-01)
      Basic analysis of information begin with visual displays, these let us to organise and perform frecuency counts. Also we can use graphics and tables to present the information, all these tools can be more useful, when we ...
    • ¿Qué es una tesis? 

      Pichardo Zaragoza, Eva Luz (2016-07-01)
      A thesis is a more complete document to obtain an academic degree. It covers many different requirements to be obtained and those requirements are asked for by many institutions. However, it is no longer done for various ...
    • Proceso Administrativo Relación: Planeación - Control 

      Hugo Fuentes, Víctor (2016-07-01)
      Planning and control are virtually inseparable. Planning without control is useless without planning control makes no sense. That's what you can say they are " Siamese twins " of administrative management . The plans ...
    • Los diez principios de la economía 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Xóchitl; Calderón Flores, Juanita Oyuko (2016-07-01)
      The 10 principles of economics are the basis of economic analysis, as they provide a simple way as individual decisions, as they affect the market and trade are handled. In order to have a global idea of how the economy works.
    • Liderazgo, funciones y naturaleza 

      Reyes Vázquez, Sonia Guadalupe (2016-07-01)
      Guide the direction of the craft when we know having the control about the decisions in front of the people with different caracteristics, actitudes, aptitudes excersising and the power with the respect and the values.
    • Liderazgo 

      Jaen Hernández, Víctor Manuel (2016-07-01)
      Manage means to lead: Philip B. Crosby reminds us - "There comes a time that someone should do the job." If we are going to do it, if we are going to ensure that tasks are performed and responsibilities are met, we must ...
    • Liderazgo 

      Vargas Pérez, Rogelio (2016-07-01)
      It is the ability to influence in others to achieve common goals.
    • La ciencia 

      Mendoza Moheno, Jessica; Hernández Calzada, Martín Aubert (2016-07-01)
      This presentation is the first theme of unit 1 of the course Research Methods and Techniques of imparted in the second semester. It includes the concept and definition of science, the elements that configure its nature and ...