Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Balanza de Pagos 

      Pereyra Fausto, Graciela (2014-01)
      BALANZA DE PAGOS: Es el sumario de transacciones económicas de un país con el resto del mundo durante un lapso de tiempo determinado.
    • Definición de Contabilidad Financiera 

      González Cadena, Maribel (2012-01)
      To know and to interpret the financial situation of a company will help the professional of Technology Management, the need to look for economic resources that allow the development of innovative products or services, ...
    • Desempeño Organizacional 

      García Pérez, Guadalupe Maritza (2014-01)
      Planear, organizar, dirigir y controlar, son esenciales en el trabajo de un administrador. En todos los niveles de la estructura de las organizaciones, así como en todos sus departamentos, una administración eficaz, consiste ...
    • Estados Financieros 

      May Anaya, Ana María (2012-02)
      The State of origins and implementation, aims to assess the source and use of funds in the long run, is based on the premise that the current assets can be used to pay.
    • Facilitadores de gestión de la cadena de suministro 

      Peralta Cuevas, Karla Mechelina (2014-01)
      Before the advent of computer systems, simple manual approaches such as order point were effective in managing inventory. Companies could afford to keep inventory on hand to satisfy customer demand. Labor was the main ...
    • Fuentes, tipos y patrones de innovación tecnológica 

      Carrera Aguirre, Viridiana (2012-01)
      To understand the dynamics of business competitiveness today is vital to reflect on the process of technological innovation (sources, types and patterns) as a strategic imperative that is necessary to implement ...
    • Fundamentos de Mercadotecnia 

      Hernández García, Ana Lilia (2014-01)
      Talk about fundamentals of marketing refers to a brief introduction to the world of sales, innovation and creation in products, distribution, promotion and marketing strategies, as influences, the increase in the volume ...
    • Gestión tecnológica y competitividad 

      Pérez Hernández, Carla Carolina (2012-01)
      K + R&D + I, ensures generate greater added value than competitors. In this sense, the business environment, which includes competitors and customers, is the root cause that drives organizations to innovate. Then, ...
    • Instrumentos financieros 

      Pereyra Fausto, Graciela (2014-01)
    • Introducción al comercio electrónico 

      Pedraza Amador, Elba Mariana (2012-01)
      The main objective of this work is to have an overview of the Electronic COmmerce fundamentals, its types, the difference with Electronic Business and how the e-commerce is the basis to establish e-marketing strategies.
    • Metodología de Auditoría Tecnológica. Fase:Planeación 

      Montes Austria, Abigaín Erubé (2012-01)
      The audit methodology is one of the key factors to be considered by an auditor, Success or failure depends on many occasions of the methodology itself (a good choice and monitoring) and in its first phase which is ...
    • Muestra y muestreo 

      Bolaños Rodríguez, Ernesto (2012-01)
      Shows the ways to determine the sample size from the population that can be finite and well known and unknown infinite, illustrating each case with calculation examples. Also shown are the types of probability ...
    • Planeación Estratégica 

      Hernández López, Fidel (2014-01)
      La planeación estratégica, ésta sustentada por la planeación, programación, presupuestación, ejercicio, control, evaluación y punto de equilibrio, es la estructura básica de la administración en donde se asienta ...
    • Política Fiscal en México 

      Balderas Arrieta, Irma (2012-01)
      This topic gives to the students the basic elements of the public finance, particularly the fiscal policy as an instrument of the macroeconomics policy, which interferes in the real economic activity. This theme shows ...
    • Premio ADIAT 

      Hernández Hernández, Julio César (2012-01)
      Identify the nature of ADIAT to support science and technology in our country in order that the student has the necessary knowledge to guide the specific needs of support for R + D + i.
    • Proyectos Sustentables 

      Sánchez Martínez, Diana Verónica (2014-01)
      To lead a green and sustainable lifestyle can be many different things. Some countries a lot of people strive to create a better environment by developing new and greener ways of living, greener transportation, town planning, ...
    • Redes y cadenas de intercambio 

      Olvera Barrón, Antonio (2014-01)
      Resultado de su investigación la existencia de dos tipos de estrategias: la del océano rojo y la del océano azul. La primera lleva a las empresas a competir en espacios de mercado existentes (muy explorados en los cuales ...
    • Sistema financiero internacional 

      Peralta Cuevas, Karla Mechelina (2014-01)
      The international financial system is fundamental to the functioning of the global economy by providing a framework for the exchange of goods, services and capital factor. Precisely one of the most important features of ...
    • Teoría del consumidor 

      Balderas Arrieta, Irma (2012-01)
      The students will understand the consumer theory through the analyses of the consumer preferences, the maximizing utility, and the impact of the changes in the consumer incomes and the changes of the goods.
    • Teorías del desarrollo económico 

      López Rodríguez, Alberto José Luis (2014-01)
      El alumno será capaz de utilizar los conceptos de la teoría económica, evaluar las relaciones macroeconómicas y emplear las leyes económicas como instrumento para el análisis del contexto actual. Asimismo, explicará los ...