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Estudio de la interacción de ácidos húmicos con Cu2+, Pb2+, Hg2+, Co2+ y Cd2+ y la determinación de sus constantes de equilibrio por electroforesis capilar.
(2005)La materia orgánica encontrada en el suelo incluye una clase de compuestos conocidos como HUMUS o SUSTANCIAS HÚMICAS, las cuales son moléculas altamente funcionalizadas y ricas en carbón. Los Ácidos Húmicos (AHs) son ... -
Survival of Brucella abortus in milk fermented with a yoghurt starter culture
(2005)In countries such as Mexico, brucellosis is still an important public health problem due to the consumption of non-pasteurized milk and dairy products, contaminated with Brucella spp. The aim of this study was to look into ... -
Condiciones microbiológicas en el proceso de sacrificio en un rastro municipal del estado de Hidalgo
(2007)En el presente trabajo se determinaron las condiciones microbiológicas en el proceso de sacrificio en un rastro municipal de Hidalo, México. Para ello, se tomaron muestras, mediante frotado con gasa, de canales porcinas y ... -
Caracterización de Ferritas de Níquel obtenidas mediante Mecanosíntesis
(2008)Fueron sintetizadas partículas cristalinas de NiFe2O4 en un molino de bola, a partir de una mezcla estequiométrica de NiO y a-Fe2O3. El prceso de mecanosíntesis se realizó a temperatura ambiente en recipientes de acero al ... -
Composición química de cebadas cultivadas bajo diferentes condiciones de labranza en tres localidades del estado de Hidalgo, México.
(2008)En los últimos años han sido introducidos diferentes sistemas de cultivo en el estado de Hidalgo (México); aunque existe poca información que revele la influencia de estos en la calidad de los cereales producidos. El ... -
(2009)En los últimos años, el modelado matemático ha sido empleado para tratar de representar los cambios químicos que ocurren en el ambiente. Tradicionalmente los modelos se fundamentan en los balances de materia y la cinética ... -
(2009)En los últimos años, el modelado matemático ha sido empleado para tratar de representar los cambios químicos que ocurren en el ambiente. Tradicionalmente los modelos se fundamentan en los balances de materia y la cinética ... -
Testing the efficacy of a multi-component DNA-prime/DNA-boost vaccine against Trypanosoma cruzi infection in dogs.
(2011)Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas Disease, is a major vector borne health problem in Latin America and an emerging infectious disease in the United States. We tested the efficacy of a multi-component ... -
Design and Construction of Solid State Ag/AgCl Reference Electrodes Through Electrochemical Deposition of Ag and AgCl Onto a Graphite/Epoxy Resin-Based Composite. Parte 1: Electrochemical Deposition of Ag Onto a Graphite/Epoxy Resin-Based Composite
(2011)In order to design and build solid state Ag/AgCl reference electrodes, the thick-film and thin-film techniques are frequently used to obtain a silver coating on a substrate that is subsequently chlorinated. In this part ... -
Influence of the Cation Nature of the Sulphate Salt on the Electrochemical Synthesis of Sulfate-Doped Polypyrrole
(2011)In this work, polypyrrole films were electrosynthesized from aqueous media onto a graphite-epoxy resin composite electrode (GCE) using sulphate ions as dopant. Potentiostatic electrosynthesis studies were done using different ... -
Evaluation of clinical and immunopathological features of different infective doses of Trypanosoma cruzi in dogs during the acute phase
(2012)Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi is a major risk in Latin America, and dogs are believed to be good models for evaluating Chagas disease. Here, we evaluated the clinical and immunopathological alterations developed by ... -
Influence of nanotube physicochemical properties on the decoration of multiwall carbon nanotubes with magnetic particles.
(2013)Two types of commercial multiwall carbonnanotubes (MWCNTs) with different diametersand physicochemical properties were decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles obtained by hydrolysis at high temperature in the presence of ... -
Resistance of cervical adenocarcinoma cells (HeLa) to venom from the scorpion Centruroides limpidus limpidus.
(2013)The venom of Centruroides limpidus limpidus (Cll) is a mixture of pharmacologically active principles. The most important of these are toxic proteins that interact both selectively and specifically with different cellular ... -
Pore cross-section area on predicting elastic properties of trabecular bovine bone for human implants
(2014)A clear understanding of the dependence of mechanical properties of bone remains a task not fully achieved. In order to estimate the mechanical properties in bones for implants, pore cross-section area, calcium content, ... -
Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution.
(2015)T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ... -
Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution.
(2015)T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ...