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dc.contributor.authorTerrones Cordero, Aníbalen_US
dc.identifier.citationTerrones Cordero, A. (2011). Análisis de la rentabilidad económica de la producción de jitomate bajo invernadero en Acaxochitlán,
dc.description.abstractIn this study there was evaluated the economic profitability of tomato production under greenhouse conditions four production projects, in an area of 9 040 m2., in the communities of San Martin, San Pedro and Los Reyes Acaxochitlán's municipality, Hidalgo State, during the 2008-2009 cycle. How indicator was used cost/benefit ratio (C/B). Acaxochitlán's municipality produces 1,582.3 tons of tomato in a surface of 65 200 m2. In the four projects reviewed obtained a production of 218 tons, the average selling cosprice was $ 8.25 per kilogram, and sold in the cities of Tulancingo, Acaxochitlán and Pachuca. Tomato production proved a profitable activity in the study region since the projects 1, 2, 3 and 4 showed a ratio C/B of 2.30, 2.65, 3.09 and 1.57,
dc.subjectModelos Económicos, Innovación y Estrategias de Desarrolloes
dc.titleAnálisis de la rentabilidad económica de la producción de jitomate bajo invernadero en Acaxochitlán, Hidalgoes

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