Browsing Presentaciones electrónicas by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 109
Actividades Lúdicas
(2011)Submitted a proposal with play activities to initiate to students in subjects of Mathematics. -
Cálculo Diferencial
(2011)To properly use a formula is necessary to understand the origin of it, is explain why the development of this formula. -
Círculo Geométrico
(2011)Que el alumno conozca la diferencia entre círculo y circunferencia, así como los elementos de esta figura, para que identifique el espacio geométrico como base de innumerables aplicaciones como la elaboración de espejos. -
Integral Definida
(2011)Introducción Así como la resta es la operación contraria a la suma; el cálculo integral es la operación inversa al cálculo diferencial En el cálculo integral se emplean las diferenciales, de modo que a la derivada de ... -
Integración por partes
(2011)This method is used when he made ordinary can not be integrated and must be our integral is a product of a function (u), the derivative of another function (dv). -
(2011)Factoring is an important process for the teaching of algebra, and this presentation shows the most common cases for different algebraic expressions. -
(2011)The triangles are geometric figures which are based on the study of trigonometry. They are important as tools in the previous calculation to describe physical phenomena such as vector analysis of forces, velocities, etc. ... -
(2011)Statistics is an essential tool for decision-making, and this presentation which identifies the basic concepts to start understanding different statistical methods. -
(2011)Se llama polígono a una figura plana o porción de plano que se obtiene trazando segmentos no alineados, de modo que dos segmentos consecutivos tengan sólo un extremo común y de ésta manera se produzca una línea cerrada ... -
Funciones(Cálculo diferencial)
(2011)A mathematical function is a relationship in which each domain element corresponds to one and only one element of the range. -
La Derivada
(2011)This material helps us to understand the concept of derivative, and the behavior of this in the graph, just as a block of simple exercises derived. -
Trigonometría I - Círculo Geométrico
(2011)Circunferencia: conjunto de todos los puntos del plano que equidistan de otro punto llamado centro Circulo: conjunto de puntos interiores a la circunferencia -
Elaboración de una distribución de frecuencias
(2011-07)The most stadistics are included in some numbers which are almost imposible used without you compact them in a simple procedure wellknow as a Tabla de Distribución de Frecuencias in this way it is the most common form to ... -
Propiedad de las igualdades y despeje de formulas
(2011-07)Apply properties of equality suggests logical rigor algebraic language use. An equality is a mathematical expression where two members are linked through the equal sign. The clearance is a powerful tool not only in ... -
Factor Común
(2011-07) -
Coordenadas rectangulares y polares
(2012-01)These slides present a short introduction to analytic geometry. Concepts about absolute value, directed distance, rectangular and polar coordinates, distance between two points, division of a segment in a given rate, ... -
Funciones Trigonométricas
(2012-01)The trigonometric functions of special angles are a relevant topic in the subject of Trigonometry because often addressed in the different content areas and their relation to the different branches. There is a link on the ... -
Números reales
(2012-01)In many dairy activities changes are presenting constantly, so it is important that these changes be addressed in the function context, based on fundamental concepts such as real numbers, equalities and inequalities. -
(2012-09)This paper is intended that students know generally what is to be treated in the field of trigonometry from its history to the basics of working in the field.