Now showing items 41-60 of 120

    • Macroeconomía 

      Hernández Silva, Ariadne (2018-04-01)
      Macroeconomic studies try to describe how a country's economic activity is being and how it is expected to evolve. For this, certain indicators are analyzed that help us to know the situation of the economy, its structure, ...
    • Multiplicador con corrupción 

      Hernández Veleros, Zeus Salvador; Gaona Rivera, Elías (2017-01-31)
      En el siguiente material se presenta un multiplicador de una economía grande (ella define la tasa de interés), con gobierno (impuestos y gasto público) y sector externo o abierta (con exportaciones e importaciones) que ...
    • Modelo ISLM con un multiplicador de economía con gobierno y abierta comparable al multiplicador de economía con gobierno y cerrada 

      Hernández Veleros, Zeus Salvador (2018-01-31)
      En el siguiente material se presenta un ejercicio ISLM de una economía grande (ella define la tasa de interés), con gobierno (impuestos y gasto público) y sector externo o abierta (con exportaciones e importaciones) ...
    • Crecimiento económico y medio ambiente 

      Hernández, Zeus Salvador (2018-01-31)
      En el siguiente material se explica qué aspectos sobre el crecimiento económico y su relación con las emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) para México e Hidalgo.
    • Minería Novohispana 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2017-08-31)
      En el siguiente material se presenta el programa de la materia de Historia Comparada de la Economía Mexicana, cursada en segundo semestre de la Licenciatura en Economía. Estudiaremos los temas referentes a la minería ...
    • Ecuaciones simultáneas: Determinación e indeterminación por método gráfico. 

      Sánchez Torres, Yolanda; Duana Ávila, Danae; Terrones Cordero, Aníbal (2016-07-01)
      The solution to a system of simultaneous equations is a great interest. However it is important to conceptualize and visualize before the involvement of simultaneity in the determination or indeterminacy of the system, ...
    • Modelo de Krugman 

      Vázquez Rojas, Angélica María (2016-07-01)
      Krugman's model assumes that labor is the only factor of production, also it has two main features: the economies of scale and monopolistic competition; Krugman's model is explained by the graph Krugman; where it is observed ...
    • El mercado de trabajo 

      Rodríguez Juárez, Eduardo (2016-01-31)
      This material shows the operation of the labor market. Analyzes the labor supply and demand in order to provide elements that lead us to explain the economic problem of involuntary unemployment according to the neoclassical ...
    • Una interpretación Macroeconómica del México del Siglo XIX 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2016-01-01)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy , coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning economic policy of the decade of fiftys ...
    • Industrialización a través de la sustitución de importaciones 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2016-01-01)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy , coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning the the economic policies of the 40's, ...
    • Google Drive 

      Hernández Veleros, Zeus Salvador; Herrera Hernández, Mayra Concepción; Pérez Hernández, Estrella; Hurtado Piña, Jorge (2016-01-01)
      We show you some of the characteristics of Google Drive: a free service of Google to create, share and manage documents with many apps but using the cloud.
    • Demanda de dinero 

      Terrones Cordero, Aníbal; Sánchez Torres, Yolanda (2016-01-01)
      The purpose of this document is to explain the Keynesian theory of money demand, emphasizing the demand for transactions, cautionary, and speculative.
    • Demanda agregada 

      Duana Ávila, Danae (2016-01-01)
      Generally migratory population movements are associated with the demand for labor markets and oversupply on them, which creates unemployment and low level of wages. However, poor families, in relative terms, are the ...
    • Economía Colonial 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning the development and consolidation of the ...
    • Revolución Mexicana y el Periodo Post-Revolucionario.(1911-1934) 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning economic of the Mexican Revolution, the ...
    • El desarrollo estabilizador (1950-1960) 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning economic policy of the decade of fiftys ...
    • El Porfiriato 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning the economic structure, social and ...
    • El desarrollo estabilizador (1950-1960) 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning the economic policy of the 70s , the ...
    • El desarrollo estabilizador (1950-1960), parte 2 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy , coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning economic policy of the decade of fiftys ...
    • El periodo de Industrialización (1940-1950). 

      Gaona Rivera, Elías (2015-06-30)
      The following material presents the program of Comparative History of the Mexican economy, coursing in the second semester of the Bachelor in Economy. We study the issues concerning the the economic policies of the 40‘s, ...