Now showing items 81-100 of 120

    • Tipos de competencia de Mercados 

      Pereyra Fausto, Graciela (2014-01)
      La competencia económica se da entre los diferentes entes económicos en el caso del mercado, se enfrentan, por un lado oferentes y por otro lado, demandantes., tanto compradores como vendedores desean conseguir las mejores ...
    • Teorías del desarrollo económico 

      López Rodríguez, Alberto José Luis (2014-01)
      El alumno será capaz de utilizar los conceptos de la teoría económica, evaluar las relaciones macroeconómicas y emplear las leyes económicas como instrumento para el análisis del contexto actual. Asimismo, explicará los ...
    • Sistema financiero internacional 

      Peralta Cuevas, Karla Mechelina (2014-01)
      The international financial system is fundamental to the functioning of the global economy by providing a framework for the exchange of goods, services and capital factor. Precisely one of the most important features of ...
    • Sexualidad Humana 

      Sánchez Martínez, Diana Verónica (2014-01)
      Sex, sexuality and genre have a key role in the life of every human being and are determined as a function of culture.
    • Regiones Geo culturales de Hidalgo 

      Sánchez Martínez, Diana Verónica (2014-01)
      The state of Hidalgo has 10 geo cultural regions and each has different geographical features and cultural elements that make it different and unique in the state.
    • Redes y cadenas de intercambio 

      Olvera Barrón, Antonio (2014-01)
      Resultado de su investigación la existencia de dos tipos de estrategias: la del océano rojo y la del océano azul. La primera lleva a las empresas a competir en espacios de mercado existentes (muy explorados en los cuales ...
    • Evolución del Pensamiento Económico 

      García Galván, Joaquín (2013-11-29)
      Introduce students to learn basic economic theories and assumptions of each of these theories.
    • Programa Avanzado de Formación de Especialistas en Vinculación Efectiva y Transferencia de Tecnología 

      García Galván, Joaquín (2013-11-29)
      The goal is to give the program introduce students Pavett-ADIAT as this program contributes to innovation in Mexico
    • Libro Diario 

      González Cadena, Maribel (2013-11-29)
      The aim of this study is know the use of journal in the Accounting.
    • Implantación del sistema de clasificación industrial de América del Norte en el sistema de cuentas nacionales de México 

      García Galván, Joaquín (2013-11-28)
      The aim is to introduce students in macroeconomic analysis of national systems contability
    • Gestión y Plan Tecnológico 

      Feria Patiño, Victor H. (2013-11-28)
      La Planeación Tecnológica es un proceso institucionalizado dentro de una compañía que permite la introducción de nuevas tecnologías a productos, procesos y servicios. En general, este se basa en el conocimiento profundo ...
    • Capital Humano 

      Montes Austria, Abigaín Erubé (2013-07)
      The National Innovation Programme (PNI by its acronym in Spanish) is a tool that has the purpose of serve as a guide and diagnosis of innovation in Mexico. Then we will study one of the pillars of PNI called human capital, ...
    • Teoría de la Empresa 

      Guerrero González, Milton (2013-07)
      Company Conduct What is a company? An institution that hires factors of production and organizes them to produce and sell goods and services. The company has a legal existence, regardless of ownership and has a long ...
    • Psicología Organizacional 

      Villalobos Sánchez, Adriana (2013-07)
      Organizational Psychology is the study of the individual in the organization, analyzes the way in which organizations influence the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of all employees through the actual behavior, imagined ...
    • Cuenta Contable 

      May Anaya, Ana María (2013-07)
      Public Accounting (keeps track of the costs that make the state), the Social (thing management Public Accounting (keeps track of the costs that make the state), the social (public affairs management and obligations individuals ...
    • Moral 

      Villalobos Sánchez, Adriana (2013-07)
      It explains the main features of the morale and morality in man, since it takes its rules of ethics.
    • Estudio de casos 

      Bolaños Rodríguez, Ernesto (2013-07)
      In this work is exposed Case Study, some features about it, such as: goal, choice and kind. The Case Study is a qualitative method of the research, due to it uses a small population.
    • Premio ADIAT 

      Hernández Hernández, Julio César (2012-01)
      Identify the nature of ADIAT to support science and technology in our country in order that the student has the necessary knowledge to guide the specific needs of support for R + D + i.
    • Orígenes de la ciencia 

      Coronado Meneses, Myriam (2012-01)
      The origins of science are approached from important periods of its development in Greek science, scholasticism, medieval as well as part of its development in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Similarly ...
    • Introducción al comercio electrónico 

      Pedraza Amador, Elba Mariana (2012-01)
      The main objective of this work is to have an overview of the Electronic COmmerce fundamentals, its types, the difference with Electronic Business and how the e-commerce is the basis to establish e-marketing strategies.