Now showing items 20-29 of 29

    • Reflexive pronouns 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2019-06-30)
      Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan cuando el sujeto y objeto es el mismo, o bien para enfatizar uno de estos.
    • Reported Speech 

      Vázquez Nava, Adriana (2017-08-31)
      Reported Speech is a way how we report what someone has said by changing some of the words said, but retaining the same meaning.
    • Rutinas y estados temporales 

      Trujillo Castillo, Paulina (2018-04-01)
      When speaking about actions happening at the moment of speaking, we use what in English is known as Present Continuous.
    • Skimming and scanning to improve your reading comprehension 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2018-04-01)
      En esta presentación se describen dos estrategias básicas para responder de manera efectiva la sección de comprensión lectora del examen de certificación TOEFL.
    • Superlatives in English. 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2018-05-01)
      En las siguientes diapositivas, prenderás a como usar los adjetivos para crear oraciones y formar oraciones utilizando superlativos. Palabras
    • The weather 

      Morales Flores, Ana Yuridia (2017-08-31)
      Know about the weather is very important due to when you describe a place is practically mandatory to speak abut the weather, knowing the main vocabulary make easier the develop of a description, however L2 learners ...
    • Third conditional in English 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2022-12-08)
      The third conditional, also called conditional type 3 is used to express the past consequence of an unrealistic, improbable action, or situation in the past. For example, if he had studied harder, he would have passed ...
    • Verb Complementation 

      Cruz Bautista, Liliana (2017-08-31)
      This presentation shows the appropiate verb complementation. Also, It has vocabulary, some examples and exercises that will help the learner to understand the topic .
    • Wh- questions in English 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2022-12-08)
      We use English questions all the time, because if you want to interact in English you have to ask a question to somebody else. Wh- questions (also called question words) are the questions which start with wh, for ...
    • Zero Conditional in English 

      Rojas Vite, Cristhian (2024-06-30)
      With the following information, all of you will learn how t o use the zero conditional in English and you will be able t o create sentences that express something which is consi dered as a general truth. Just remember ...