Now showing items 1810-1829 of 1914

    • The passive past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • The passive: past simple 

      Sánchez Franco, Leticia (2015-06-30)
      When an action that took place in the past is more important than the person or thing which did the action we use the passive voice in the past simple tense.
    • The stochastic short-term hydrothermal scheduling Problem 

      Medina Marín, Joselito (2010)
      In this document we develop a non linear stochastic integer model formulation for the unit commitment problem of thermal and hydro units to management demand and optimal short-term operation of a hydrothermal electric ...
    • The young Ramón y Cajal as a cell-theory dissenter 

      Iturbe Acosta, Ulises (2008)
      The intellectual development of scientists normally traverses several different phases as they mature in their professions. In many cases, strong support of certain ideas and theories gives way to more critical, productive ...
    • Thermal model for a microhot plate used in a MEM gas sensor 

      Gonzalez Vidal, Jose Luis (2008)
      A thermal analytical model for a MEM gas sensor is presented and compared with an electrical circuit equivalent model. The objective is to study the temperature performance of the microhot plate configured within a MEM ...
    • Thermodynamic study of Iridium in HCl: The effect of concentration 

      Veloz Rodríguez, María Aurora (2014)
      In this work, the dissolution of iridium was studied through a thermodynamic theoretic study with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Iridium (Ir). Three different acid conditions and three different ...

      Veloz Rodríguez, María Aurora (2014)
      A thermodynamic study (Pourbaix type diagrams, using the software Hydra/Medusa) of acid leaching solutions to obtain the electrochemical recovery of Ni, Cu and Zn present in printed circuit boards is reported. Solutions ...
    • Three levels analysis of sustainability?s environmental dimension in México 

      Molina Ruiz, Héctor Daniel (2015)
      New world order had increased the necessity to find a sustainable way to live. In a polluting society it is necessary to structure a coexisting strategy which gives to world the opportunity of a sustainable grow up. Due ...
    • Three-dimensional structures of RNA obtained by means of knowledge-based interaction potentials. 

      Pliego Pastrana, Patricia (2010)
      We derive a set of effective potentials describing the interaction between pairs of nucleotides that belong to an RNA molecule. Such interaction potentials are then used as the main constituents of a simplified simulation ...
    • Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution 

      Coronel Olivares, Claudia (2015)
      T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ...
    • Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution. 

      Lucho Constantino, Carlos Alexander (2015)
      T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ...
    • Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution. 

      Beltrán Hernández, Rosa Icela (2015)
      T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ...
    • Tillandsia usneoides as biomonitor of air pollution. 

      Vázquez Rodríguez, Gabriela Alejandra (2015)
      T. usneoides is one of the most employed organisms for biomonitoring atmospheric metals due to its ability to accumulate and retain pollutants, including trace elements. In this article, we review the use of T. usneoides ...
    • Tipos de adicciones 

      Téllez Rodríguez, Marybeth Alejandra (2016-07-01)
    • Tipos de contaminantes 

      Pérez Sánchez, Blasa (2018-04-01)
      Se entiende por contaminación atmosférica a la presencia en la atmósfera de sustancias en una cantidad que implique molestias o riesgo para la salud de las personas y de los demás seres vivos, vienen de cualquier naturaleza.
    • Tipos de contaminantes II 

      Juárez López, Yolanda (2018-04-01)
      De acuerdo al artículo No. 28 (Sección V). La evaluación de impacto ambiental es un instrumento de la política ambiental(capítulo III, Artículo No. 15), cuyo objetivo es prevenir, mitigar y restaurar los daños al ambiente ...
    • Tipos de datos y Expresiones 

      Baltazar Guzmán, Francisco Javier (2011-08)
      Data types and expressions allow us to manipulations of information, in programming languages from different types of expressions.
    • Tipos de Diseño de Investigación 

      Acosta Velázquez, Silvia C. (2017-01-01)
      Una de las primeras actividades al realizar un trabajo de investigación consiste en el diseño de investigación, el cual determina los pasos a seguir en el estudio y los métodos y técnicas a emplear. El tipo de diseño ...
    • Tipos de ecuaciones químicas 

      Sánchez Cabrera, Gloria (2024-05-08)
      La Reacción Química es un proceso en el cual una o más sustancias cambian para formar una o más sustancias nuevas. El proceso puede ser descrito a través de ecuaciones químicas mediante fórmulas químicas.