Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Álgebra lineal. Ejemplos y aplicaciones 

      Viveros Rogel, Jorge (2010-06)
      1. Geometría de las transformaciones lineales 2. Grafos, digrafos y sus aplicaciones 3. Descomposición en valores singulares (DVS) 4. Tópicos para la siguiente edición de este curso.
    • Determinantes 

      Sifuentes Carrillo, Roxana (2011-07)
      A determinant is mathematical notation consists of a square table of numbers, or others elements between two vertical lines, the expression value is calculated by following certain rules development
    • Regla de Cramer 

      Soto González, Rafael (2011-07)
      Establish the basis related to the elements that define the system of linear equations and solution methods, types of solution and its practical applications.
    • Sistema de ecuaciones lineales 

      Mohedano Juárez, Ma. Rafaela (2015-07-01)
    • Teoría de Valores Propios 

      Barrera Mora, Fernando (2007-08)
      In this lecture it is shown how to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix without using determinants.
    • Tipos de Modelos en Investigación de Operaciones 

      Hernández Coca, Guadalupe (2011-07)
      This presentation shows and defines the different types from Models that the Investigation of Operations works.